I am watching the Redwings and the Sabers skate to a 2-2 stalemate. So I have been multi-tasking, pondering opportunities gained and those lost and decided to catch up on some of my blog reading. Reading other peoples blogs always makes me want to post to my own blog.
This post is going to be the non-linear human thought that is the result of todays events and the experiences of the last week. First I needed to figure out if my phone was capable of acting as a web 2.0 client, it seems to be. Still tied 1:13 to go Redwings going to a powerplay.
I got a new iPod Nano 5g Thursday and decided to load it up with video podcasts to watch when I am on vacation. I found some interesting podcasts - Security Now and TWiT. Watching TWiT with Leo Laporte and friends is a fun blast from the TechTV past. Interesting social experiments using Web 2.0 technologies like skype, twitter, audible.com and gotomeeting. It is obvious that these technologies are in their infancy, our job is to enable and protect them.
Interestingly I was visiting my parents today and two telling signs of the times became evident. In visits past to my fathers house, I could generally expect to perform some amount of PC maintenance. Today I was not asked for any assistance, could it be that Dad has reached self sufficiency? On to my Mothers house where a generous double chocolate layer cake was found to be freshly prepared. Over cake the conversation turned to my neices new glasses. Mom hadn't seen them yet, my wife and I both raced to put our cell phones, iPods and digital cameras in front of her displaying neice in glasses. The kicker here was when my revealed that she had subcribed to vzw dsl. It seems distant grand childrens picture only available online had finally convinced her that the internet could no longer be ignored. As one parent has spread his wings and left the nest another ha been born to the wild wild west of the internet. How shall I impart all my hard earned wisdom to her without sending her back under the rock of abstinence? One day at a time I guess. Go Mom Go!
BTW Redwings win in OT3-2, a good end to nice day.
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