-- Aurora Report says no alerts today.
Security News
Jan 29, 2009 (22 hours ago)
ICANN Requests Public Comment on Initial Report on Fast-Flux Hosting, (Thu, Jan 29th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
Jan 29, 2009 (20 hours ago)
Hacking 4 Zombies
from CGISecurity - Website and Application Security News by Robert A.
"Transportation officials in Texas are scrambling to prevent hackers from changing messages on digital road signs after one sign in Austin was altered to read, "Zombies Ahead." Chris Lippincott, director of media relations for the Texas Department of Transportation, confirmed that a portable traffic sign at Lamar Boulevard and West 15th...
Jan 29, 2009 (yesterday)
Hoax or Not, Treat It the Same
from McAfee Avert Labs by Rodney Andres
Late last year, my sister forwarded to me an email that foretold of great evil and destruction should anyone open an email with a “Happy New Year” greeting for a subject. The email begged us to save the world by forwarding it to everyone we know. She wanted to know if she should believe it.
6:51 AM (22 minutes ago)
Techwatch weathers DDoS extortion attack
from The Register - Security
Botnet blackmail
Techwatch is back online following a sustained denial of service attack that left the digital TV news site unavailable for two days earlier this week.…
9:09 PM (10 hours ago)
Novell GroupWise bug threatens mass email theft
from The Register - Security
A mole's dream
Security researchers have identified two critical holes in Novell's GroupWise WebAccess, the web front end for the company's email and employee collaboration package, that allow malicious hackers to steal user messages with ease. All supported versions of the program are vulnerable.…
Jan 29, 2009 (13 hours ago)
CIA's Algeria chief recalled amid rape allegations
from The Register - Security
Spy boss laptop seized as evidence
The CIA's top officer in Algeria has been recalled to Washington amid accusations he drugged and raped two women at his Algiers residence.…
Jan 29, 2009 (15 hours ago)
Feds: IT admin plotted to erase Fannie Mae
from The Register - Security
'Server Graveyard' narrowly averted
A fired computer engineer for Fannie Mae has been arrested and charged with planting a malicious software script designed to permanently destroy millions of dollars worth of data from all 4,000 servers operated by the mortgage giant.…
Jan 29, 2009 (19 hours ago)
Indian embassy website hack part of wider assault
from The Register - Security
Ad ranking scam or massive malware attack?
The compromise of legitimate websites with hostile code ultimately designed to serve up malware onto the PCs continues apace, with the latest victims including the Indian embassy in Spain.…
Jan 29, 2009 (21 hours ago)
IE8 Suggested Sites suggested to be snoopy
from The Register - Security
Privacy activists cry Phorm on Redmond
Privacy activists are crying foul over the "Suggested Sites" feature in IE8, but Microsoft insists concerns about the feature, such that it might be used to serve up targeted advertising or that it poses a security risk, are misplaced.…
6:51 AM (22 minutes ago)
Why conventional protection fails against web threats
from The Register - Security
White paper trail
And so to the Reg whitepaper library to inspect some security pitches. Here's a couple we thought deserved a wider airing.…
Jan 29, 2009 (21 hours ago)
RSA SecureID - Voted Readers' Choice Award Winner - Authentication/Smart Cards
from by (The Editor)
RSA SecureID was selected the winner in the Authentication/Smart Cards category of the Readers' Choice Awards. SafeWord 2008 and eToken were first runner-up and second runner-up.
Jan 29, 2009 (18 hours ago)
Google dismisses click fraud report
from Network World on Security
Google is taking issue with a report that says click fraud hit a record high in the fourth quarter.
5:22 AM (1 hour ago)
How to Guard Your Trade Secrets (and Why You Must)
from Network World on Security
In the connected world that is 2009, almost every company has a trade secret that it wants to keep. Between BlackBerrys, home e-mail accounts, and USB ports that can write gigs of data to a flash drive, it's only getting harder to protect your trade secrets. If you aren't careful, your trade secrets can walk right out the door--and without a well-written contract, you may have little legal recourse.
Jan 29, 2009 (18 hours ago)
Data export leaves firms vulnerable, says research
from Network World on Security
The tendency of firms to distribute sensitive data to offices around the globe could be creating a new form of information vulnerability, a report has suggested.
Jan 29, 2009 (18 hours ago)
Ex-Fannie Mae employee accused of planting computer time bomb
from Network World on Security by Ellen Messmer
Ex-Fannie Mae computer engineer is charged in setting computer time bomb, according to published reports.
5:22 AM (1 hour ago)
Fannie Mae engineer indicted for planting server bomb
from Network World on Security
A former Unix engineer for the Federal National Mortgage Association, better known as Fannie Mae , has been accused of planting malicious code on the corporation's network that was to "destroy and alter" all of the data on the company's servers this Saturday, court documents show.
5:22 AM (1 hour ago)
Worm floats Obama's head on your desktop
from Network World on Security by Robert McMillan
The odds are pretty good that this will never happen to you, but should a floating head of U.S. President Barack Obama pop up on your desktop Monday morning, know this: You've been hit with the Obama worm.
7:05 AM (18 minutes ago)
Complemento v0.6 - LetDown TCP Flooder, ReverseRaider Subdomain Scanner & Httsquash HTTP Server Scanner Tool
from Darknet - The Darkside by Darknet
We first wrote about Complemento 0.4b a little while ago when it first hit the public domain just last month (December 2008). Now there have been 2 major updated versions, the latest being 0.6. What is Complemento? Complemento is a collection of tools that the author originally created for his own personal toolchain for solving some problems or...
Jan 29, 2009 (15 hours ago)
Lucky Discovery Saved Fannie Mae From Logic Bomb
from Wired Top Stories by Kevin Poulsen
A 35-year-old Unix engineer fired from his job at Fannie Mae's Maryland data center is indicted for computer sabotage for allegedly planting time-delayed code to wipe out all 4,000 servers at the company. The FBI says losses would have been in the millions.
Jan 29, 2009 (12 hours ago)
Fired Fannie Mae Contractor Tried to Crash Network
from PC World Latest Technology News
A former Fannie Mae contract employee has been charged with trying to sabotage the company's computer system.
Jan 29, 2009 (12 hours ago)
Fannie Mae Engineer Indicted
from PC World Latest Technology News
Contract employee inserted script that would have wiped out all data this Saturday.
-- Aurora Report says it is the insiders.
CISA: We didn't fire our red team, we just unhired a bunch of them
Agency tries to save face as it also pulls essential funding for election
security initiatives
The US cybersecurity agency is trying to save face by seeki...
34 minutes ago
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