Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Around The Horn vol.2,5

Zero Day

Tracking the hackers

Code execution holes in iPhone OS, iPod Touch

By Ryan Naraine on iPhone

The most serious flaw could allow remote code execution if an iPhone/iPod Touch user opens audio and image files.

Report: 48% of 22 million scanned computers infected with malware

By Dancho Danchev on Viruses and Worms

The recently released APWG report shows that 48% of the 22 million scanned computers are infected with malware. Over a million and a half are infected with crimeware/banker trojans.


Yahoo! News: Security News

Security News

Facebook Is a Cybercrime Danger Zone (NewsFactor)

In business

NewsFactor - Facebook and Twitter were all the rage in 2009, and not just for social networkers. The sites were also extremely popular among hackers and thieves, IT security firm Sophos revealed Monday in its Security Threat 2010 report.

Cyberthieves are hiring, using online ads (Reuters)

In technology

Customers use computers at an internet cafe in Taiyuan, Shanxi province August 13, 2009. REUTERS/StringerReuters - The people who brought the world malicious software that steals credit card numbers from your personal computer and empties bank ATMs of their cash are hiring, and they're advertising online.

Trends & Innovations - Tuesday (Investor's Business Daily)

In business

Investor's Business Daily - Social networks are attracting more users -- and cyberattacks -- according to a report by IT security firm Sophos. Cybercriminals have increasingly focused attacks on social networking users in the last 12 months, Sophos says. 57% of users say they've been spammed via social networking sites, up 70.6% vs. last year. 36% reveal they have been sent malware via such sites, a 69.8% rise from last year.

US senator asks companies about China rights practices (AFP)

In technology

Sen. Dick Durbin, seen here in 2009, asked 30 leading companies, including Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Nokia and Twitter, for information about their human rights practices in China after Google's threat to leave the country over cyberattacks and Web censorship.(AFP/File/Karen Bleier)AFP - A US senator on Tuesday asked 30 leading companies, including Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Nokia and Twitter, for information about their human rights practices in China after Google's threat to leave the country over cyberattacks and Web censorship.

Most web bank clients use same passwords elsewhere (Reuters)

In technology

A customer uses an automated teller machine at a bank branch in a file photo. REUTERS/Tim WimborneReuters - A vast majority of online banking customers use their login credentials to access other websites, sharply increasing risk of attack to their bank account, Internet security firm Trusteer said on Tuesday.

China Works to Toughen Hacking Laws (PC World)

In technology

PC World - Chinese police and judicial officials are formulating new measures that govern how hacking crimes are handled by courts, the country's latest step to strengthen its cyber laws, state media reported.

Symantec adds former Intuit CEO Bennett to board (AP)

In technology

AP - Computer security software maker Symantec Corp. said Monday that Stephen P. Bennett, former president and CEO of accounting software maker Intuit Inc., will join its board of directors effective Feb. 8.

Cybercriminals Focus on Social Networks, Sophos Says (NewsFactor)

In business

NewsFactor - Facebook and Twitter users are under attack by cybercriminals -- and the incidents are rising, Sophos says in its its 2010 Security Threat Report released Monday. In the past 12 months, Sophos says, cybercriminals have focused more attacks on social-network users. Spam and malware are leading the charge.

Hack Brings Mac OS X to the Nokia N900 (PC World)

In technology

PC World - Have you ever wanted to run a full-blown copy of Mac OS X on your mobile device? One hacker has managed to get Apple's operating system running on a smartphone, and it's not the iPhone.

"Alarming" rise in cyberattacks at social networks: Sophos (AFP)

In us

The frontpage of Twitter, a leading Internet microblogging site. There has been an AFP - There has been an "alarming" rise in spammers and hackers hunting for victims at online social networks, according to a report released Monday by computer security firm Sophos.

Cyber crooks cashing in on iPad frenzy (AFP)

In technology

Event guests play with the new Apple iPad during an Apple Special Event at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts January 27 in San Francisco, California. Hackers and scammers are cashing in on iPad fever by luring the curious to booby-trapped websites with false promises of information about Apple's new tablet computer.(AFP/File/Ryan Anson)AFP - Hackers and scammers are cashing in on iPad fever by luring the curious to booby-trapped websites with false promises of information about Apple's new tablet computer.

Google attack highlights 'zero-day' black market (AP)

In technology

In this Jan. 26, 2010 photo, TippingPoint's Pedram Amini, manager of security research team and the company's zero day initiative,  works at his desk in Austin, Texas. TippingPoint founded the Zero Day Initiative, a program for rewarding researchers for disclosing vulnerabilities like the recent programming flaw in Internet Explorer that was used to attack Google employees. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)AP - The recent hacking attack that prompted Google's threat to leave China is underscoring the heightened dangers of previously undisclosed computer security flaws — and renewing debate over buying and selling information about them in the black market.

Apple iPad Spam, Security Concerns Grow (PC Magazine)

In technology

PC Magazine - Apple-related spam has increased by 30 percent following the announcement of Apple's much-publicized new iPad. But there's another problem: iWork invites third-party documents into the iPad, but the iPhone OS limits what anti-virus vendors can do.

McAfee Warns of Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure (NewsFactor)

In business

NewsFactor - On Thursday, McAfee shed light on the cost and impact of cyberattacks on critical infrastructures such as electrical grids, oil and gas production, telecommunications and transportation networks. More than half of 600 IT security executives from critical infrastructure enterprises worldwide report large-scale attacks or infiltrations from organized crime, terrorists or nation-states. provides Windows security news, articles, tutorials, software listings and reviews for information security professionals.

Is Internet Explorer Inherently Insecure?

By (Deb Shinder)

Taking a look beyond the sensationalized headlines about IE browser security whilst asking whether switching will really keep you safe from attack.


Richard Bejtlich's blog on digital security and the practices of network security monitoring, incident response, and forensics.

Traffic Talk 9 Posted

By Richard Bejtlich

I just noticed that my 9th edition of Traffic Talk, titled Testing Snort with Metasploit, was posted. From the article:
Security and networking service providers are often asked whether their solutions are working as expected. Two years ago, I wrote How to test Snort, which concentrated on reasons for testing and ways to avoid doing poor testing. In this article, prompted by recent discussions among networking professionals, I show how to combine several tools in a scenario where I test Snort with Metasploit.

Copyright 2003-2009 Richard Bejtlich and TaoSecurity ( and

Two Dimensional Thinking and APT

By Richard Bejtlich expect many readers will recognize the image at left as representing part of the final space battle in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. During this battle, Kirk and Spock realize Khan's tactics are limited. Khan is treating the battle like it is occuring on the open seas, not in space. Spock says:
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.
I though this quote could describe many of the advanced persistent threat critics, particularly those who claim "it's just espionage" or "there's nothing new about this." Consider this one last argument to change your mind. (Ha, like that will happen. For everyone else, this is how I arrive at my conclusions.)
I think the problem is APT critics are thinking in one or two dimensions at most, when really this issue has at least five. When you only consider one or two dimensions, of course the problem looks like nothing new. When you take a more complete look, it's new.

  1. Offender. We know who the attacker is, and like many of you, I know this is not their first activity against foreign targets. I visited the country as an active duty Air Force intelligence officer in 1999. I got all the briefings, etc. etc. This is not the first time I've seen network activity from them. Wonderful.
  2. Defender. We know the offender has targeted national governments and militaries, like any nation-state might. What's different about APT is the breadth of their target base. Some criticize the Mandiant report for saying:
    The APT isn't just a government problem; it isn't just a defense contractor problem. The APT is everyone's problem. No target is too small, or too obscure, or too well-defended. No organization is too large, two well-known, or too vulnerable. It's not spy-versus-spy espionage. It's spy-versus-everyone.
    The phrasing here may be misleading (i.e., APT is not attacking my dry cleaner) but the point is valid. Looking over the APT target list, the victims cover a broad sweep of organizations. This is certainly new.
  3. Means. Let's talk espionage for a moment. Not everyone has the means to be a spy. You probably heard how effective the idiots who tried bugging Senator Landrieu's office were. With computer network exploitation (at the very least), those with sufficient knowledge and connectivity can operate at nearly the same level as a professional spy. You don't have to spend nearly as much time teaching tradecraft for CNE, compared to spycraft. You can often hire someone with private experience as a red teamer/pen tester and then just introduce them to your SOPs. Try hiring someone who has privately learned national-level spycraft.
  4. Motive. Besides "offender," this is the second of the two dimensions that APT critics tend to fixate upon. Yes, bad people have tried to spy on other people for thousands of years. However, in some respects even this is new, because the offender has his hands in so many aspects of the victim's centers of power. APT doesn't only want military secrets; it wants diplomatic, AND economic, AND cultural, AND...
  5. Opportunity. Connectivity creates opportunity in the digital realm. Again, contrast the digital world with the analog world of espionage. It takes a decent amount of work to prepare, insert, handle, and remove human spies. The digital equivalent is unfortunately still trivial in comparison.

To summarize, I think a lot of APT critics are focused on offender and motive, and ignore defender, means, and opportunity. When you expand beyond two-dimensional thinking, you'll see that APT is indeed new, without even considering technical aspects.

Copyright 2003-2009 Richard Bejtlich and TaoSecurity ( and

Example of Threat-Centric Security

By Richard Bejtlich my last post I mentioned the need to take threat-centric approaches to advanced persistent threat. No sooner than I had posted those thoughts do I read this:
Beijing 'strongly indignant' about U.S.-Taiwan arms sale
The Obama administration announced the sale Friday of $6 billion worth of Patriot anti-missile systems, helicopters, mine-sweeping ships and communications equipment to Taiwan in a long-expected move that sparked an angry protest from China.
In a strongly worded statement on Saturday, China's Defense Ministry suspended military exchanges with the United States and summoned the U.S. defense attache to lodge a "solemn protest" over the sale, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
"Considering the severe harm and odious effect of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, the Chinese side has decided to suspend planned mutual military visits," Xinhua quoted the ministry as saying. The Foreign Ministry said China also would put sanctions on U.S. companies supplying the equipment.

It would have been interesting if the Obama administration had announced its arms sale in these terms:
"Considering the severe harm and odious effect of the advanced peristent threat, the American side has decided to sell the following arms to Taiwan."
It's time for the information security community to realize this problem is well outside our capability to really make a difference, without help from our governments.

Copyright 2003-2009 Richard Bejtlich and TaoSecurity ( and

Mandiant M-Trends on APT

By Richard Bejtlich

If you want to read a concise yet informative and clue-backed report on advanced persistent threat, I recommend completing this form to receive the first Mandiant M-Trends report.
Mandiant occupies a unique position with respect to this problem because they are one of only two security service companies with substantial counter-APT consulting experience.
You may read blog posts and commentary from other security service providers who either 1) suddenly claim counter-APT expertise or 2) deride "APT" as just a marketing term, or FUD, or some other term to hide their inexperience with this problem. The fact remains that, when organizations meet in closed forums to do real work on this problem, the names and faces are fairly constant. They don't include those trying to make an APT "splash" or those pretending APT is not a real problem.
Mandiant finishes its report with the following statement:
[T]his is a war of attrition against an enemy with extensive resources. It is a long fight, one that never ends. You will never declare victory.
I can already hear the skeptics saying "It never ends, so you can keep paying Mandiant consulting fees!" or "It never ends, so you can keep upgrading security products!" You're wrong, but nothing I say will convince some of you. The fact of the matter is that until the threat is addressed at the nation-state to nation-state level, victim organizations will continue to remain victims. This is not a problem that is going to be solved by victims better defending themselves. The cost is simply too great to take a vulnerability-centric approach. We need a threat-centric approach, where those with the authority to apply pressure on the threat are allowed to do so, using a variety of instruments of national power. This is the unfortunate reality of the conflict in which we are now engaged.

Copyright 2003-2009 Richard Bejtlich and TaoSecurity ( and


SecurityFocus News

SecurityFocus is the most comprehensive and trusted source of security information on the Internet. We are a vendor-neutral site that provides objective, timely and comprehensive security information to all members of the security community, from end users, security hobbyists and network administrators to security consultants, IT Managers, CIOs and CSOs.

Brief: Google offers bounty on browser bugs

Google offers bounty on browser bugs

Most consumers reuse banking passwords

CIA, PayPal under bizarre SSL assault

Security - RSS Feeds

Security - RSS Feeds

Twitter Details Phishing Attacks Behind Password Reset

Officials at Twitter linked the resetting of passwords to malicious torrent sites and other schemes. According to Twitter, the company began its investigation after noticing a surge in followers for certain accounts during the past five days.
- Twitter revealed more details about the phishing attacks that caused the company to reset the passwords on some user accounts Feb. 2. According to Twitter Director of Trust and Safety Del Harvey, there was a sudden surge in followers for certain accounts during the last five days. For that reas...

Older IE Versions Maintain Sizable Market Share Despite Security Concerns

While Microsoft is touting the fact Internet Explorer 8 is the single most widely used Web browser, the combined percentages of IE 6 and 7 users surpass it. The use of the older browsers means many users aren't taking advantage of the latest browser security protections.
- Arguably one of the most interesting elements of the cyber-attack that affected Google and more than 30 other companies was the primary attack vector Internet Explorer 6. The attack exploited an HTML object memory corruption vulnerability in IE that Microsoft was notified about in September....

PGP to Acquire TC TrustCenter for Cloud-Based Identity Management

PGP agrees to acquire TC TrustCenter and its parent company, ChosenSecurity, for their on-demand platform for managing trusted identities.
- PGP has agreed to acquire German security vendor TC TrustCenter and its U.S. parent company, ChosenSecurity, for an undisclosed sum of money. ChosenSecurity and TC TrustCenter provide an on-demand platform for managing trusted identities for encryption, authentication and secure collaborati...

Researchers Uncover Security Vulnerabilities in Femtocell Technology

Two Trustwave security consultants report they have uncovered hardware and software vulnerabilities in femtocell devices that can be used to take over the device. The duo will present their findings at the ShmooCon conference in Washington.
- Researchers with Trustwave have discovered flaws in the hardware and software of femtocell devices that can allow an attacker to take full control of the miniature cell towers without the user's knowledge. Zack Fasel and Matthew Jakubowski, security consultants with Trustwave's SpiderLabs, will...

Facebook Privacy, Security Fears Grow with Social Network Risks

According to Sophos, 60 percent of businesses consider Facebook the riskiest social networking site, underscoring a new level of wariness for social networks at a time when a researcher from Kaspersky Lab says compromised accounts for Twitter and other sites can go for big bucks in the cyber-underworld.
- Businesses are growing more concerned about the use of social networks, starting with Facebook. According to a survey of 502 IT professionals by Sophos, businesses are seeing more malware and spam, and 60 percent of respondents put Facebook ahead of MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn as the riskiest so...

Adobe Flash Security on Menu at Black Hat

A researcher plans to delve into Adobe Flash security at Black Hat DC, spotlighting how poor programming practices and Web architectures can be leveraged to compromise users.
- Security vulnerabilities in Adobe Systems applications have increasingly become a popular target for attackers in the past year. At Black Hat DC, Foreground Security Senior Security Researcher Mike Bailey will examine Flashs security model and take a look at some of the ways attackers ca...

Critical Infrastructure Security a Mixed Bag, Report Finds

A new report commissioned by McAfee reveals IT security at critical infrastructure companies is not always as high as some may suspect.
- A new report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies highlights the financial damage of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure, but also paints a picture of IT security that is in turns good and bad. The report, "In the Crossfire: Critical Infrastructure in the Age of Cyberwa...


The Art of Technology

Firms worry about social networks, but don't block access

By (Jacqui Cheng) on twitter

Despite widespread paranoia that social networks are putting businesses at risk, companies continue to give employees open access to them. The latest Security Threat Report (PDF) from security research firm Sophos notes that spam and malware attacks via popular networks continued to rise at "alarming" rates over the last 12 months, posing a risk to both users and the companies they work for.

Nearly three-quarters of businesses (72 percent) told Sophos that they're concerned about employee behavior on social networks—and it's not the HR-related behavior they're concerned about. The majority of respondents said that reports of spam, phishing, and malware coming from the major social networks were way up, and they expressed concern about employees endangering business security. According to Sophos, there was a 70 percent increase in the proportion of businesses reporting spam and malware attacks in 2009.

Read the rest of this article...

Suckers Victims lost $9.3 billion to 419 scammers in 2009

By (Jacqui Cheng) on security

Advance-fee fraud (AFF), also known as 419 scams and Nigerian scams, exploded in 2009, with victims losing more money than ever before. This is according to the latest analysis from Dutch investigation firm Ultrascan—a company that has been monitoring the activities of 419 scammers since 1996—which says that victims lost almost 50 percent more money in 2009 than 2008.

Considering that 419 scams have been well-known since the 1970s, this trend is particularly disturbing. However, Ultrascan says scammers are expanding their operations and shifting their focus to emerging Internet markets, where there's more fresh meat getting online every day.

Read the rest of this article...

SearchSecurity: Security Wire Daily News

The latest information security news on IT threats, vulnerabilities and market trends from the award-winning

Microsoft extends SDL program, adds Agile development template

By Robert Westervelt

Microsoft is adding support for Agile Development Methodologies to its Security Development Lifecycle program. A simplified SDL white paper is also being introduced.

Google to pay for Chrome browser vulnerabilities

By Robert Westervelt

Google follows Mozilla's FireFox vulnerability reward program, offering a base reward of $500 for eligible browser bugs.


SANS NewsBites

All Stories From Vol: 12 - Issue: 8

How The Chinese Attacks Actually Work (January 27, 2010)

A report from Mandiant describes how cyber criminals launch sophisticated attacks that penetrate government and corporate computer networks and remain undetected to steal information and monitor activity over lengthy periods of time.......

Malware on Infected Web Pages is Becoming More Sophisticated (January 26, 2010)

According to data compiled by Dasient, 5.......

NARA Data Loss Affects Clinton-Era White House Staff and Visitors (January 27, 2010)

The US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has sent letters to 250,000 Clinton administration staff and White House staff members and visitors, informing them that their personally identifiable information has been compromised.......

Flaws Found In 3D Secure Credit Card Scheme (January 28, 2010)

University fo Cambridge researchers say 3D Secure (3DS) better known as Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode is fraught with security problems.......

Thomas-Rasset Rejects RIAA's Settlement Offer (January 27, 2010)

Just days after a judge reduced the penalties levied against Jammie Thomas-Rasset for illegal file sharing from US $1.......

Google Issues Chrome Update (January 26, 2010)

Google has released an update for its Chrome browser that addresses 13 vulnerabilities that could be exploited to execute arbitrary code on unprotected computers, steal data, create denial-of service conditions, or bypass security restrictions.......

Bank Suing Cyber Theft Victim (January 26, 2010)

A bank in Lubbock, Texas is suing one of its customers, Hillary Machinery Inc.......

Attack on IE Exposes Users' Entire Hard Drives (January 26 & 27, 2010)

Microsoft is investigating reports of an attack on Internet Explorer (IE) that can reveal the entire contents of users' hard drives to attackers.......

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Breach is Proving to be Costly (January 26, 2010)

A security breach at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has already cost the company more than US $7 million.......

Zimuse Worm May Have Started as a Prank (January 25 & 26, 2010)

The Zimuse.......

Second Man Pleads Guilty in Scientology DDoS Case (January 25, 26 & 27, 2010)

Brian Thomas Mettenbrink has admitted to downloading software and using it to help launch a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against the Church of Scientology's website in January 2008.......

Study Shows That Consumer Awareness of Online Threats is Growing (January 25, 2010)

A study from RSA indicates that consumers are more aware of online security threats than they were two years ago.......

Cisco Secure Desktop Remote XSS Vulnerability, (Tue, Feb 2nd)

This vulnerability (CVE-2010-0440) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct cross- ...(more)...

Twitter Mass Password Reset due to Phishing, (Tue, Feb 2nd)

Twitter is sending out a large number of e-mails, asking users to reset their passwords. It appears ...(more)...

New IPv6 Screencast Videos: (Today: blocking and detecting IPv6 in Linux), (Tue, Feb 2nd)

------ Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph ...(more)...

Pushdo Update, (Tue, Feb 2nd)

As mentioned in an older diary [1], www.sans ...(more)...

Adobe ColdFusion Information Disclosure, (Tue, Feb 2nd)

Adobe has released information on an important vulnerability (CVE-2010-0185) identified in ColdFusio ...(more)...

NMAP 5.21 - Is UDP Protocol Specific Scanning Important? Why Should I Care?, (Mon, Feb 1st)

Before we address the question, let's discuss how UDP port scanning is typically done. Whe ...(more)...

Got PushDo SSL packets?, (Sat, Jan 30th)

Steven Adair over at ShadowServer has posted a blog entry about the strange going's on with the Push ...(more)...

New and updated VMWare advisories, (Sat, Jan 30th)

Today VMware has released the following new and updated security advisories: New - VMSA-2010-00 ...(more)...

BoA Offline?, (Fri, Jan 29th)

The Bank of America web site appears to have been not available for parts of the day today. No ...(more)...

Neo-legacy applications, (Fri, Jan 29th)

A friend of mine wrote in about a problem he has. He provides support to small businesses, one of wh ...(more)...


The Register - Security

Biting the hand that feeds IT

Manchester cops recover from Conficker

Strangeways, here we come

Manchester police were once again able to run inquiries on the Police National Computer on Wednesday morning, after techies purged a Conficker worm infection from the force's network.…

Record year for online tax filing - and phishing mails

Scammers rev up for tax season

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs is celebrating another record year for online tax returns, over six million people filed online this year.…

Warez backdoor allows hackers to pwn Twitter accounts

Micro-blogging freetards in mass hack attack

Twitter has lifted the lid on its recent advice to many users to reset their passwords for the micro-blogging site.…

Stubborn trojan stashes install file in Windows help

Can't muster rejection

Security researchers have spied malware that stashes a copy of itself in a Windows help file to ensure victim computers remain infected.…

iPhone vulnerable to remote attack on SSL

Beware of rogue config files

Apple's iPhone is vulnerable to exploits that allow an attacker to spoof web pages even when they're protected by the SSL, or secure sockets layer, protocol, a security researcher said.…

Microsoft security dev tools go 'Agile'

Not just for Windows anymore

Microsoft has expanded a key security tool to work with developers of web applications and other software that's developed over rapid and repeated stretches.…

PGP buys tech to offer trusted ID from the cloud

Close friends get to call it TC

PGP Corporation has acquired privately-held TC TrustCenter and its US parent company, ChosenSecurity, as part of plans to offer trusted identity management services from the cloud. Terms of the transaction, announced Tuesday, were not disclosed.…

Manchester cops clobbered by Conficker

PCs' PCs still unplugged from PNC

Greater Manchester Police's computer network has been infected by the infamous Conficker worm, leaving beat cops unable to run computer checks on suspected criminals and vehicles for the last three days.…

Virgin Media battles privacy campaigners on P2P monitoring

No one's looking at you, alright?

Regulators are mulling assurances from Virgin Media that its planned trial system to monitor the level of illegal filesharing on its network will not harm customers' privacy.…

Femtocells wilt under attack

Tiny, tiny, tiny root box danger

Security researchers have turned their attention to femtocells, and have discovered that gaining root on the tiny mobile base stations isn't as hard as one might hope.…

Most consumers reuse banking passwords on other sites

Password recycle fail leaves consumers ripe for harvesting

The majority of online banking customers reuse their online-banking login credentials on other websites, according to a new survey on password insecurity.…

Security firms plot revamp to minimise false alarms

Whitelisted addresses to reside in heavenly cloud

Analysis Increased incidents of false positives have encouraged anti-virus firms to re-evaluate their signature update process.…

Web attacks cripple Russia's biggest indie newspaper

Seven days and counting

The website of Russia's highest-profile independent newspaper on Monday suffered its seventh straight day of crippling denial-of-service attacks by unknown miscreants.…

US state probes breach that exposed data for 80,000

'Dear valued employee:'

A computer database containing the personal details of more than 80,000 employees was penetrated by unknown hackers, according to multiple news agencies, citing Iowa's Racing and Gaming Commission.…

Security bugs reinfect financial giant’s website

Ameriprise and the case of the relapsed XSS

Five months after Ameriprise Financial fixed a bug that could have helped criminals steal user authentication credentials, the financial giant's website is vulnerable again.…

Google yanks IE6 love from web apps

Do as we say, not as we did

Google is pulling IE6 support from Google Apps, its online suite of office applications.…

Britain warns businesses of Chinese 'honey trap'

Sex, spies, and memory sticks

Britain's MI5 security service has accused the Chinese government of engaging in an unusually wide-ranging campaign to breach UK business computer networks, in some cases exploiting sexual relationships to pressure individuals to cooperate.…

Voice crypto fails spark astroturf claims

SecurStar denies running dirty tricks marketing campaign

Doubts have arisen about the integrity of supposedly anonymous tests on the security of voice encryption products.… unmoved by Internet Explorer 6 security concerns

Google, NHS cast off exploited browser

Google and the NHS may soon be ditching support for Internet Explorer 6, but that hasn’t stopped UK government officials from declaring the browser doesn’t give them cause for concern, unlike their French and German counterparts.…

1 in 3 users reviewed Facebook privacy roll-back

Social network heralds 'success'

One in three Facebook users changed their privacy settings in Facebook after the social networking site applied a controversial privacy roll-back and encouraged users to review how much they shared online back in December.…

Firefox-based attack wreaks havoc on IRC users

World's first inter-protocol exploit, but not the last

Underscoring a little-known web vulnerability, hackers are exploiting a weakness in the Mozilla Firefox browser to wreak havoc on Freenode and other networks that cater to users of internet relay chat.…

CIA, PayPal under bizarre SSL assault

Plus hundreds of others

The Central Intelligence Agency, PayPal, and hundreds of other organizations are under an unexplained assault that's bombarding their websites with millions of compute-intensive requests.…

Google (finally) pays bounties for Chrome bug reports

Up to $1,337

Google will begin paying bounties as high as $1,337 to researchers who privately report high-severity security bugs in its Chrome browser and Chromium open-source project.…

Experts fret over iPad security risks

Death and taxes and browser exploits

Apple's much hyped iPad tablet may come tightly locked down but the device is still likely to be affected by many of the security issues that affect the iPhone, as well as some of its own.…

Many voice encryption systems easily crackable

Malware will shut your yap

Updated A vast majority of voice encryption products are seriously flawed, according to controversial tests by an anonymous hacker.…

Network World on Security

The latest security news, analysis, reviews and feature articles from

SA government to retract censorship law in election lead-up

South Australian Attorney General, Michael Atkinson, will repeal a [[artnid:334737|controversial law to curb online election commentary|new]].

House to consider cybersecurity bill on Wednesday

The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a proposed bill that is designed to bolster federal cybersecurity research and development activities, and stimulate the growth of a cybersecurity workforce in the country.

At Black Hat, a search for the best response to China

Google's revelation last month that attacks out of China resulted in the theft of some of its data drew attention to the broader question at the Black Hat conference here over what can be done to the villains.

Microsoft links security guidelines to agile development

New template links Security Development Lifecycle methodology to agile software development projects built with Visual Studio

Microsoft juices Visual Studio with secure coding tools

Microsoft said it will deepen ties between its Visual Studio development tools and the secure applications development processes first developed inside the company and now available to outsiders.

Apple iPhone, iPod touch Security Patch: What's Fixed

Apple on Tuesday released an updated version of its iPhone OS software for the iPhone and iPod touch. The new version 3.1.3 patches several security holes, provides a few bug fixes and minor enhancements, and is available via iTunes download.

Cloud security: Root of trust

I've been thinking a lot about public cloud security lately. Not simply mulling the theoretical question of "is cloud more or less secure than my own infrastructure", but looking at practical approaches to cloud security. At Nemertes Research we have been "sipping our own champagne" (like eating dogfood, only less disgusting) by using cloud computing extensively. For several years we used the cloud for test and development and in mid-2009 we moved production servers into the cloud.

Accusations fly over voice encryption hack

German encryption firm SecurStar has strenuously denied being behind an apparently independent test of voice encryption products that found many of its rivals could be hacked using a $100 phone-tapping program.

Facebook poses biggest security threat to businesses

Nearly two thirds (60 percent) of businesses believe social network Facebook poses the biggest threat to security, says Sophos.

Cybersecurity needs duck-and-cover campaign to boost national awareness

Shoring up U.S. cyberdefense should include educational programs that motivate private citizens to fight cyber threats through safer Web practices, much as school children were taught in the 1950s to hide under their desks and cover their heads in case of nuclear attacks, researchers say.

25% of kids have sent or recieved inappropraite content

A quarter of children have sent or received an email containing inappropriate content, says TalkTalk.

Timeline: A Decade of Malware

ScanSafe security researcher Mary Landesman looks back at some of the notorious malware that has shaped the attack landscape we now face online

UK government enlists public to spot terror Web sites

The U.K. public can report terrorism-related Web sites to authorities for removal from the Internet under a new program launched by the British government.

Windows 7 Tips: Best Security Features

Do you understand and use the new security features in Windows 7? From encryption to malware fighters, here's a look at the key Windows 7 tools that keep enterprise and home PCs safe and secure.

Netgear Announces ProSecure UTM For 5-User SMB Networks

Small businesses looking to beef up their network security will be glad to see that Netgear has announced the release of the ProSecure UTM5, a scaled-down version of its existing ProSecure UTM (Unified Threat Management) product lineup priced for 5-user networks.

Botnet targets major Web sites with junk SSL connection

More than 300 Web sites are being pestered by infected computers that are part of the Pushdo botnet, according to security researchers.

Cloud security: Try these techniques now

For Logiq³ Inc., the decision to go with a cloud-based provider of IT infrastructure as a service (IaaS) was a matter of cost and flexibility.

Sudden Temporary Slowdowns

Shermlindcastle asked the Answer Line forum why his PC occasionally slows down to a crawl.

Fact, fiction and the Internet

In their simplest form, many social networking sites are not much more than online diaries. Whether you're thinking of Bridget Jones or Adrian Mole, Alan Clark or Samuel Pepys, most of us realize that a diary is just someone's personal view, and not a reliable source of indisputable information. Most of us except for financial institutions, that is, or so it appears.

77% of web users targeted by phishing scams

More than three quarters (77 percent) of web users have been targeted by an online phishing scam, says CPP.

Phone jamming in NSW prisons a step closer

The government communications watchdog has called for public opinion on whether Australia should introduce mobile phone jamming in prisons.

Bugs & Fixes: Adobe Reader phishing scam

Want to avoid becoming the victim of a phishing scam? It’s usually easy, because most scammers are too inept or too lazy to do a decent job of the deception. Case in point: I received an e-mail this week, purportedly from Adobe, announcing “a new version of PDF Reader/Writer.” (Even though it was Windows-only software, the general advice regarding phishing applies to Mac users as well.)

Internal data breaches a rarity, study finds

Internal data breaches might keep CSOs awake at night, but they appear to be a rare event, a university analysis of reported UK compromises has found.

Connecting Your iPhone or iPad with Your Business

Despite its reputation as a consumer device, the presence of the iPhone, and soon the iPad, in the business environment cannot be ignored. IT Administrators at businesses of all sizes must address the challenge of integrating the devices and providing access to network resources.

Google joins the 'kill-IE6' campaign

Google Docs will drop support for Microsoft's nearly nine-year-old IE6 browser starting March 1.

Spam? No thank you, m'am

I don't know about you, but beautiful Russian girls are just dying to meet me. They're all 26 years old, most of them are named Olga, and from their descriptions they sound totally hot. But first I have to buy a fantastic luxury timepiece, change my Facebook login, get a bucketful of knockoff prescriptions, and pick up that parcel waiting for me at UPS or DHL (even though I never ordered anything).

GAO calls for more testing of whole body scanners

A Government Accountability Office report this week called on the Transportation Security Administration to ensure that the controversial Whole Body Imager technologies the agency is planning on deploying at airports nationally first undergo thorough operational and vulnerability testing.

RIAA preps for third trial in music piracy case

The long music piracy fight between the Recording Industry Association of America and Minnesota native Jammie Thomas-Rasset shows no sign of ending anytime soon.

Google to pay bounties for Chrome browser bugs

Google has unveiled a bug-bounty program that will pay researchers $500 for each vulnerability they report in the Chrome browser and its underlying open-source code

Browser Fingerprinting Can ID You Without Cookies

The specific combination of mundane information such as your plugins and system fonts can be used to create a "fingerprint" for your browser that could potentially uniquely identify you.

BPI slams law firm chasing illegal file-sharers

The BPI has slammed ACS: Law for the way it has chased a number of Brits suspected of illegally downloading.

FBI arrests alleged cable modem hacker

U.S. federal authorities arrested a 26-year-old man on Thursday for allegedly selling modified cable modems that enabled free Internet access, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Stolen Twitter accounts can fetch $1,000

According to researchers at Kaspersky Lab, cybercriminals are trying to sell hacked Twitter user names and passwords on-line for hundreds of dollars.

US House leaders ask for investigation into hackings

Two lawmakers criticized the Web services company that may have enabled the hacking of almost 50 government Web sites on Wednesday.

EFF: Browsers can leave a unique trail on the Web

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has created an on-line tool that details the wealth of information a Web browser reveals, which can pose privacy concerns when used to profile users.

UK MiFi users told which models can be hacked

UK users of the Novatel Wireless MiFi 3G router should check whether they are affected by a recent security scare and be ready to update their software, its maker has said.

EU to monitor Virgin's traffic identification trial

The European Commission is to monitor Virgin Media after a privacy group raised concerns over plans by the ISP to trial technology that will identify whether its customers are illegally downloading.

Fake antivirus scam hits Facebook

Facebook users are being bombarded with fake virus alerts designed to encourage social networkers to download fake antivirus software, says PandaLabs.

You don't know tech: The InfoWorld news quiz

Apple tablets to the max, Chinese unleash more hack attacks

McAfee Avert Labs

Cutting edge security research as it happens.......

Protecting Privacy by Design

By Ben Edelman on General Computer Security

Last week I revealed troubling transmissions by the Google Toolbar: Even when a user specifically “disable[s]” the Google Toolbar, and even when the Toolbar disappears from view, the Toolbar continues tracking users online behavior—including specific web pages visited and specific searches run on other search engines. To Google’s credit, after I posted my article Google [...]

Hackers Disrupt European CO? Market

By Francois Paget on Web and Internet Safety

In recent weeks, various cybercrime attacks have disrupted the computer systems that allow nations to manage their national greenhouse-gas emissions quotas and their possession of carbon assets according to international agreements (the Kyoto Protocol and the European system). One quota is the right to emit the equivalent of one ton of carbon dioxide during a specified period. The [...]

Be careful on help files

By Shinsuke Honjo on Uncategorized

The other day, I came across a malware that attempts to hide its infection not in that technical but in the very unique way. “Muster” is a family of backdoor which has been using help files for hiding themselves. The help files or “.hlp” files are data files designed to be viewed with Microsoft WinHelp browser [...]


InSecurity Complex

Keeping tabs on flaws, fixes, and the people behind them.

Researcher warns of privacy risks from rogue iPhone apps

By Elinor Mills

It would be fairly easy to get a rogue iPhone app approved by Apple, and once downloaded, it could get access to a host of information that could be used to spy on iPhone users, a security researcher says.

Apple patch plugs iPhone, iPod Touch holes

By Elinor Mills

Several vulnerabilities patched in the latest Apple security update could allow an attacker to remotely take control of a device.

Twitter resets passwords after phishing attack

By Elinor Mills

Unknown number of users whose accounts may have been compromised offsite get new passwords, company announces.

Botnet sends fake SSL pings to CIA, PayPal, others

By Elinor Mills

The Pushdo botnet is trying to evade detection by using fake SSL connections to major Web sites, researcher says.

In their words: Experts weigh in on Mac vs. PC security

By Elinor Mills

CNET asks a host of security experts which of the major operating-system platforms is more secure for consumers. Here's what they have to say.

Bank of America Web site goes down Friday

By Elinor Mills

The banking giant's site is inexplicably unavailable to an unknown number of customers, a spokeswoman says.

Info Security News

Carries news items (generally from mainstream sources) that relate to security.

Researchers Uncover Security Vulnerabilities in Femtocell Technology

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Brian Prince
Two Trustwave security consultants report they have uncovered hardware
and software vulnerabilities in femtocell devices that can be used to
take over the device. The duo will present their findings at the
ShmooCon conference in Washington.
Researchers with Trustwave have discovered flaws in the...

Oracle Hacker Gets The Last Word

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Andy Greenberg
ARLINGTON, Va. -- In 2001, Larry Ellison brashly proclaimed in a keynote
speech at the computing conference Comdex that his database software was
"unbreakable." David Litchfield has devoted the last nine years to
making the Oracle chief executive regret that marketing stunt.
At the Black Hat security...

At Black Hat, a search for the best response to China

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Patrick Thibodeau
February 2, 2010
ARLINGTON, Va. -- Google's revelation last month that attacks out of
China resulted in the theft of some of its data drew attention to the
broader question at the Black Hat conference here over what can be done
to the villains.
Cyberattacks give rise to anger and a very human...

Accusations Fly Over Voice Encryption Hack

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By John E. Dunn
CSO Online
February 02, 2010
German encryption firm SecurStar has strenuously denied being behind an
apparently independent test of voice encryption products that found many
of its rivals could be hacked using a $100 phone-tapping program.
In a blog on the subject, Fabio Pietrosanti, founder and CTO of Swiss
encryption startup Khamsa, alleges...

Hacking for Fun and Profit in China's Underworld

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By David Barboza
The New York Times
February 1, 2010
CHANGSHA, China -- With a few quick keystrokes, a computer hacker who
goes by the code name Majia calls up a screen displaying his latest
"Here's a list of the people who've been infected with my Trojan horse,"
he says, working from a dingy apartment on the outskirts of this city in
central China....

Cyber threat growing at unprecedented rate, intell chief says

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Ben Bain
Feb 02, 2010
Malicious cyber activity is growing at an unprecedented rate, severely
threatening the nation's public and private information infrastructure,
the government's top intelligence official said today.
Dennis Blair, the director of national intelligence, told members of the
Senate Select Intelligence Committee, that "in the...

Homeland Security Plans Cybersecurity, Data Center Investments

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Elizabeth Montalbano
February 2, 2010
The Department of Homeland Security is looking to invest nearly $900
million in fiscal 2011 on technology projects that include bolstering
cyber security and continued work on a data center consolidation project
that's already underway.
Other IT priorities listed as part of the department's...

Most consumers reuse banking passwords on other sites

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By John Leyden
The Register
2nd February 2010
The majority of online banking customers reuse their online-banking
login credentials on other websites, according to a new survey on
password insecurity.
Online security firm Trusteer reports that 73 per cent of bank customers
use their online account password to access at least one other, less
sensitive website. Even...

THOTCON 0x1 - Chicago's Hacking Conference - Speakers/Talks/Tickets

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02

Forwarded from: c7five <c7five (at)>
Hello InfoSec News subscribers and friends!
There is a new hacking conference going on in Chicago this year. It is
called THOTCON. The name is taken from THree-One-Two + CON. This is a
non-profit, non-commercial event. The very first conference is being
held Friday, April 23rd, 2010 at a local Chicago bar*.
Tickets are on sale now and they will NOT be sold at the door, so get
them soon...

Sri Lanka plays leading role as APCERT conducts regional cyber crimes drill exercise

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
Daily Mirror
02 February 2010
The Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT) completed
its annual drill to test the response capability of leading Computer
Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) from Asia Pacific economies
recently (28 January).
The theme of the drill was...

MI5 warns of Chinese hacks on UK businesses

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Rosalie Marshall
01 Feb 2010
MI5 has warned UK companies that the Chinese government may have gained
access to their computers with the intention of remotely monitoring
their online activities.
A leaked document seen by The Sunday Times claims that Chinese security
officials have been offering free computer devices that contain Trojan
software to high profile...

U.S. Navy Launches Cyber Command

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Elizabeth Montalbano
February 1, 2010
The U.S. Navy has followed the Air Force and the Marine Corps in setting
up a command center dedicated to overseeing and protecting its presence
in cyber space.
The U.S. Fleet Cyber Command is aimed at defending the Navy's IT systems
against cyber attack and to use information systems and the...

Botnet targets major Web sites with junk SSL connection

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
By Jeremy Kirk
IDG News Service
February 1, 2010
More than 300 Web sites are being pestered by infected computers that
are part of the Pushdo botnet, according to security researchers.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Twitter and PayPal are among
the sites being hit, although it doesn't appear the attacks are designed...

Voice encryption product security evaluation: right criteria for evaluation (it was a marketing campaign)

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02

Forwarded from: "Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)" <lists (at)>
Hi all, i don't know how many of you have read "deeply" about the
analysis done on .
I have made a detailed analysis of their initiative and the result is
that: - it's most probably a camouflage marketing initiative and not a
independent security research - they consider *only* a security context
where local device...

Cyber Spies Hacked into the DFA

Posted by InfoSec News on Feb 02
The Manila Times
31 January 2010
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) was attacked by a cyber spy
DFA officials admitted that it was taking these reports seriously. The
cyber attack on DFA was reported by the Toronto based Information
Welfare Monitor.
The Philippines is one of the 103 countries where...

Hacker Attack Freezes Novaya Gazeta's Web Site

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31
By Nikolaus von Twickel
The Moscow Times
01 February 2010
Novaya Gazeta's web site was paralyzed by a hacker attack for a sixth
day Sunday in what editors called the strongest assault ever to hit the
opposition newspaper's online edition.
The denial of service attack started Tuesday morning and peaked Thursday
when the site recorded 1.5...

49 Congressional Websites Hacked By Brazilian 'Red Eye Crew'

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31
By Tim Wilson
Jan 29, 2010
The U.S. House of Representatives is investigating the hacking of as
many as 49 Websites of Republican and Democratic lawmakers following the
president's State of the Union address on Wednesday.
The sites were all defaced with a single, one-line message, offering a
rude epithet and claiming credit for the Red Eye Crew, a...

Government's Cybersecurity Role Gets Mixed Reaction

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31
By J. Nicholas Hoover
January 29, 2010 01:08 PM
A worldwide survey that shows widespread cyber attacks on critical
infrastructure companies finds that the role of government in working to
stop those attacks is up in the air. Indeed, a majority of respondents
believes governments to be among the culprits.
Overall, more than half of...

Call for Papers: RAID'10

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31

Forwarded from: Thorsten Holz <thorsten.holz (at)>
Dear colleagues,
please find below the Call for Papers for RAID'10
( Apologies for
multiple copies of this announcement.
Best regards,
Thorsten Holz
First Call for Papers
RAID 2010

Re: China denies involvement in Google cyberattacks

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31

Forwarded from: hobbit (at) (*Hobbit*)
Oh, bosh. If China or any other country doesn't want to be thought of
as an internet threat, why don't they do something to get a handle on
their spam and phishing harboring problem?? Two messages away from this
one in the inbox this morning was a total forgery claiming to be from
Wachovia, sent through a compromised stateside .edu machine, and trying
to entice me back to to...

Secunia Weekly Summary - Issue: 2010-04

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31

The Secunia Weekly Advisory Summary
2010-01-21 - 2010-01-28
This week: 56 advisories
Table of Contents:
1.....................................................Word From...

Google joins the 'kill-IE6' campaign

Posted by InfoSec News on Jan 31
By Gregg Keizer
January 31, 2010
Google has announced that Google Docs will drop support for Microsoft's
nearly nine-year-old Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) browser starting on March
Ironically, if Google had taken its anti-IE6 advice to heart before
hackers broke into its corporate network last year, it might not now be


Federal Computer Week: Security News

Cyber threat growing at unprecedented rate, intell chief says

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair today gave a blunt assessment of the many cyber threats faced by U.S. government and private-sector networks.

Budget would double money for Justice IT fund

The Obama administration wants $179.79 million for the Justice Information Sharing Technology programs in fiscal 2011.

Virtual border fence would lose under budget

The administration wants $43.59 billion for the Homeland Security Department in fiscal 2011 compared with the $42.60 billion that the department got for this year.

DARPA: Calling all cyber geneticists

A DARPA research program would combine technologies to apply genetics, anthropology, sociology and physiology to the identification of cyberattackers.

DarkReading - Security News


NASA Talk on Electronic Systems Collapse Postponed

Palisade Systems Comments on the HITECH Lawsuit Filed by the Connecticut Attorney General

Optelecom-NKF Announces Sales Team Restructuring

WilliamPaid Announces 'Show Some Love, Get Some Green' Sweepstakes

Students Learn About 'Cyber Bullying' and Steps to Create a Safe and Secure Online Experience

Marc Noble, CISSP-ISSAP, CISM, CGEIT, MBCI, Named New (ISC)2(R) Director of U.S. Government Affairs

Aristotle Calls for NewsCorp to Sell MySpace and Disclose Any Liability Risk from Contacts Sex Offenders May Have Had With Children Using the Social Networking Service

New EASEUS Partition Master Upgraded Version Works as an All-In-One Partition Solution

Harris Corporation Acquires Advanced Capabilities for Public Safety and Military Situational Awareness

PSA Launches Expansive Technology Platform Designed for Marketers

NASDCTEc and ACTE Ask the White House to Increase Investment in, Not Flat Fund, CTE

QNAP Expands Its Popular Turbo NAS Lineup with Two New Mid-range NAS Servers for Business

DOD Agency Recognizes EODT For Supporting Military With Seven Seals Award American Travelers Could Have Saved More Than $10 Billion in 2009 (But Didn't)

EODT Awarded Mobile Teams Mine Clearance Contract in Support of U.S. Forces, Afghanistan

SailPoint and Corporate Integrity to Discuss NERC CIP Reliability Standards

Raytheon Deploys Civil Communications Solutions Demonstration

General Dynamics Trusted Virtual Environment Added to U.S. Cross-Domain Baseline List of Trusted Network Products

MEI Earns High Marks in Consumer Goods Technology Magazine's 2010 Annual Readers' Choice Award

RouteOne Offers New Tool to Assist Dealers With Capitalizing on Website Traffic

Mobile Messenger Works with Mobile Giving Organizations and U.S. Wireless Companies to Expedite Red Cross' Receipt of Haiti Relief Donations Announces '14 Days, 14 Ways' Valentine's Day Promotion

Raytheon BBN Technologies Demonstrates First-of-its-Kind Disruption-Tolerant Military Network

SEI Selected by FaithShares Advisors to Provide Turnkey Solution to Support New Exchange Traded Funds

ProSecure by NETGEAR Brings Enterprise-Class Security to Small Businesses and Telecommuters for Under $300

AdSafe Releases Q4 2009 Online Display Advertising Safety Review

netForensics Delivers Comprehensive FISMA Reporting Framework

UK's Leading Mobile Provider O2 Turns to Crossbeam Systems to Secure Its 22 Million-Plus Subscribers

Chaordix(TM) Joins IBM Information Governance Council

Wipro and Trend Micro Unite to Deliver Next-Generation Virtualization Security Solutions for Dynamic Datacenters

World Compliance: Fighting Corruption South of the Border

Animetrics Launches FaceR Celebrity in Apple App Store

Insite Security Hosts Webinar On Due Diligence: Understanding the Human Factor

Parabit Systems Successfully Installs Platform Kiosk at JFK AirTrain

Parabit Systems Successfully Installs Infant Protection Systems at Major Long Island Hospitals

Consumer Awareness Project Focuses on Protecting Online Privacy

DomainSponsor Closes Highly Successful DOMAINfest Global 2010 Conference

Andrews International Acquires A&S Security to Expand Delivery of Security Services in U.S. Western Region

VillageWorks Unveils a New Way to Kick-Start Social Media Marketing

Biometrics - Trends & Opportunities Worldwide

Pelosi, Boehner Letter to CAO on Protecting House Web Sites From Being Hacked

Tarps Superstore Expands Building Enclosure and Hoarding Products

CyberSource Announces Fourth Quarter 2009 Financial Results

GSM Security Briefing Webinar: Just How Vulnerable Are Your Cell Phone Calls? ... and What You Need to Do About It

Identity Theft 911 Offers Tips for National Data Privacy Day

Industry Experts Gather at MAAWG to 'Protect the End User'

Equifax Offers Unique Ability-to-Pay Products for Credit Card Act Compliance and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Announce Local Content, Services, and Promotion Partnership, and Launch Most Comprehensive Online Dining Guide in Western PA

Vista LifeSciences Partners with Vangard Voice Systems to Voice-Enable Medical Data Collection

Beyond the Rack Completes Follow-On Round of Equity Funding

Conscious Security, Inc. Moves their Corporate Headquarters

International Merchant Advisors Extends $750,000 Offer to Purchase Ole'Deniro.Com

Application Whitelisting Provides Proactive Security Against Current Internet Explorer Vulnerability

Fake Virus Alert Spreads Massively Across Facebook, Reports PandaLabs

STMicroelectronics Scales the Summit in EE Times' Top 10 Products of the Year

Caribbean Calypso for Trayport(R) Exchange Systems as it Signs Contracts With the Barbados Stock Exchange and Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange

Motorola Completes Acquisition of SecureMedia

MedQuist Affirms Transparency and Preparedness for Move to More Comprehensive HIPAA and HITECH Act Privacy and Security Requirements Celebrates 10 Years of Continuous Growth and Expansion

WhiteHat Security Kicks Off 2010 With Record Revenue

WhiteHat Security's Sentinel Named One of '100 Coolest Cloud Computing Products' by Everything Channel's CRN

Ricoh Supports U.S. Department of Defense Standards with Notable Solutions, Inc.'s AutoStore Integration

Lexon Technologies, Inc. Acquires Retailer

Compete Ranks Top 50 Food and Cooking Web Sites for December 2009

EXL Announces Four Transformation Service Offerings

GuestTek International, Inc.'s Wholly Owned Subsidiary Identifies New Trend in Email Threats

The Five Habits of Highly Successful Sleepers

SingleHop, Inc. Announces 2009 Numbers: 185% Growth, 1,222% EBIDTA Growth

Energy Conversion Devices and Enfinity Corporation Announce Plans to Co-Develop 10 Megawatts of Rooftop Solar Projects in Ontario, Canada

netForensics Releases New Version of SIM One

Third Annual UK Ponemon Study Shows the Cost of a Data Breach Continues to Increase

eCrypt Live on the Christy Clark Show in Support of Data Privacy Day

RiT Technologies Ltd. Fourth Quarter & Full Year 2009 Results Conference Call

Entrust Placed in Leaders Quadrant in Research Firm's Latest Fraud Detection Study

Attensity Government Systems Launches as a Wholly Owned U.S. Subsidiary of Attensity Group

Skysa Releases 'Interactive Sharing App'

Silverpop Recognized in Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Lockheed Martin Announces Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results

DarkReading - All Stories


Black Hat DC: Researchers Reveal Connection String 'Pollution' Attack

Tool released tests for so-called Connection String Parameter Pollution (CSPP) attack
Product Watch: Microsoft Rolls Out Free SDL Code For 'Agile' Development

Beta version of Agile SDL template now available, as well as new simplified implementation of SDL, expanded partner program that now includes tools from Fortify, Veracode, Codenomicon
Researcher Cracks Security Of Widely Used Computer Chip

Electron microscopy could enable criminals to develop counterfeit computer chips, researcher says at Black Hat DC
Botnet Floods Major Websites With Fake SSL Connections

DDoS-like traffic surge has researchers puzzled by Pushdo's plans
Product Watch: Security Scoreboard Goes Live

New site brings security vendors and products under one Website, along with customer reviews
49 Congressional Websites Hacked By Brazilian 'Red Eye Crew'

Defacement of Congressional Websites worries legislators, who have been hit previously
Google Offers Hackers Bucks For Chrome Bugs

New vulnerability disclosure incentive program pays at least $500 per critical bug

Darknet - The Darkside

Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing & Computer Security

Twitter Major Password Reset After Phishing Attack

By Darknet on web-security
Twitter has come under attack fairly frequently in recent months, which is not surprising considering the explosive growth of the platform and the sheer number of users it has. If you are a Twitter use you may have noticed many people had their password reset automatically yesterday, Twitter today announced the reason for this on their [...] Read the full post at

Nmap v5.20 Released – Open Source Network Exploration & Auditing Tool

By Darknet on zenmap
Nmap is of course of the most famous port scanners and hacking tools of all time, the last stable release was back in July 2009. For those that may not know, Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it [...] Read the full post at

Google Willing To Pay Bounty For Chrome Browser Bugs

By Darknet on paid to hack
This is a pretty interesting development from Google and also seems to be coming much more common now, companies openly offering payments for bugs/vulnerabilities discovered in their software. It’s a chance for the white-hat guys to earn a few bucks, but honestly I don’t think it’s going to change anything. Especially not when... Read the full post at

CounterMeasures - Security, Privacy, Trust

A Trend Micro Solutions Architect Blog

French government to bid Adieu to online passwords?

By Rik Ferguson on Opinion
The French newspaper 20minutes is reporting a French government initiative to do away with internet passwords.       The French secretary of state responsible for the development of the digital economy, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, announced on Monday a scheme to issue internet users with a digital certificate which would allow them to prove their identity to any online service [...]
Facebook “Un Named App” scare leads to malware

By Rik Ferguson on web
A few minutes ago I noticed that a friend of mine had posted the following status to her Facebook profile:   Facebook status   Of course this got my bat senses tingling and I smelled a panic-inducing spiral of insanity brewing, so I thought I’d have a bit of a look around.   Nothing to worry about here as far as [...]

CNET News - Security

Apple patch plugs iPhone, iPod Touch holes

By Elinor Mills
Several vulnerabilities patched in the latest Apple security update could allow an attacker to remotely take control of a device.
Originally posted at InSecurity Complex
Twitter resets passwords after phishing attack

By Elinor Mills
Unknown number of users whose accounts may have been compromised offsite get new passwords, company announces.
Originally posted at InSecurity Complex
Social-networking spam hit business hard in '09

By Lance Whitney
Businesses were hit by a 70 percent rise in malware from social networking sites last year, according to a Sophos survey.
Botnet sends fake SSL pings to CIA, PayPal, others

By Elinor Mills
The Pushdo botnet is trying to evade detection by using fake SSL connections to major Web sites, researcher says.
Originally posted at InSecurity Complex
In their words: Experts weigh in on Mac vs. PC security

By Elinor Mills
CNET asks a host of security experts which of the major operating-system platforms is more secure for consumers. Here's what they have to say.
Originally posted at InSecurity Complex
Bank of America Web site goes down Friday

By Elinor Mills
The banking giant's site is inexplicably unavailable to an unknown number of customers, a spokeswoman says.
Originally posted at InSecurity Complex

CGISecurity - Website and Application Security News

All things related to website, database, SDL, and application security since 2000.

Nikto version 2.1.1 released

By Robert A. on XSS
Sullo has sent the following announcement to the full disclosure mailing list indicating a new release of Nikto. "I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Nikto 2.1.1! Nikto is an open source web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6100 potentially dangerous files/CGIs,...
Weaning the Web off of Session Cookies Making Digest Authentication Viable

By Robert A. on Research
Timothy D. Morgan has published an excellent paper describing How UI limitations hinder adoption of HTTP based authentication How UI behaviors are/can be abused pertaining to HTTP auth Observations on Cookie limitations Proposals for browser vendors to allow for more widescale adoption of HTTP based auth such as digest From the paper...

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