Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Around The Horn vol.1,79

How to Take Your Home Office on the Road

By Sonia Zjawinski

With an RV and a few tech hacks, you can create a flexible, self-employed life on the road. Read tips from nomadic geeks, and add your own.

March 30-April 5, 2009

Report Highlight: Poisoned Search Engine Results Propagate Malicious Code (Cisco Security Center: IntelliShield Cyber Risk Report)

SB09-096: Vulnerability Summary for the Week of March 30, 2009

Vulnerability Summary for the Week of March 30, 2009

SSH scanning from compromised mail servers, (Tue, Apr 7th)

We received two reports about an increase in ssh scanning. One of them (thanks Quentin!) correlated ...(more)...

Tax Season Scams, (Tue, Apr 7th)

We are entering the last few days of the US personal income tax season. The filing deadline April 15 ...(more)...

Advanced JavaScript obfuscation (or why signature scanning is a failure), (Tue, Apr 7th)

Couple of days ago one of our readers, Mike, submitted a URL to another heavily obfuscated JavaScrip ...(more)...

Common Apache Misconception, (Tue, Apr 7th)

Thanks to fellow handler Jason for reminding me about the following common Apache misconception. Thi ...(more)...

Abuse addresses, (Mon, Apr 6th)

Ian wrote in the following: Would it perhaps be a useful thing to put a note in the ISC diary ...(more)...

Social Engineering Your Way Around Security With Facebook (E-Week Security)

Vuln: ConnX 'frmLoginPwdReminderPopup.aspx' SQL Injection Vulnerability (SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities)

GIAC Intrusion Detection Curriculum (SANS Reading Room)

Crypto Puzzle and NSA Problem (Schneier blog)

Are You Infected? A Smart and Simple Test. (NetworkWorld Virus/Worms)

What to Fear (Schneier blog)

CVE-2009-0910 (vmwareace, vmwareplayer, vmwareserver, vmwareworkstation) (Natl. Vulnerability Database)

Security Professionals Placing Higher Priority on Event Detection as Reflected in the SANS Annual Log Management ... (PRWeb via Yahoo! News) (Yahoo News)

CVE-2008-6622 (Natl. Vulnerability Database)

Common Apache Misconception, (Tue, Apr 7th) (InternetStormCenter)

Windows XP and Office 2003 Enter a New Phase of Support (E-Week Security)

CVE-2008-6619 (Natl. Vulnerability Database)

Bugtraq: vBulletin multiple XSS (SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities)

New Symantec CEO Officially Takes Reigns (E-Week Security)

Research spies holes in Fortune 1000 wireless nets (The Register)

Identifying People using Anonymous Social Networking Data (Schneier blog)

Open Source Conficker-C Scanner/Detector Released, (Sun, Apr 5th) (InternetStormCenter)

David Milliband - Gone Phishing?

By Rik Ferguson on government

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK have issued a warning relating to a phishing scam that has started doing the rounds.   In a UK-centric echo of the “Obama Stimulus Check” scam from January this year, emails purporting to be from UK Foreign Secretary David Milliband are being sent, offering those hit by the global economic slowdown [...]

pwned for a penny

By Rik Ferguson on Phishing

Have you ever had your email account credentials stolen? Did you feel bitter that a cybercriminal was making money off of you?   Well nothing will take the sting out of getting phished but maybe we don’t realise just how worthless our private details really are. I was doing some price research today and wanted to share [...]

Researchers To Unleash Backbone-Hacking Tools At Black Hat Europe

Tools automate hacks on MPLS, Ethernet carrier networks

Startup Promises Centralized Security, Control For Virtual Environments

New virtualization security firm

Webtunnel 0.0.5 Released - HTTP Encapsulation and Tunnel Tool

By Darknet on webtunnel

Webtunnel is a network utility that encapsulates arbitrary data in HTTP and transmits it through a web server. In that regard, it is similar to httptunnel, however, it has several key important differences: its server component runs in the context of a web server as a CGI application (with optional FastCGI support) so it does not [...]

How to Scan for Conficker Worm

By evilfoo on worms

A bit of an update to the conficker worm that is supposedly scheduled for new updates and instructions today wednesday 1st. April 2009 and that nobody except for the bad guys knows what those instructions would be. Fyodor has rolled out a new nmap beta release to the nmap scripting engine that enables it [...]
Read the full post at

IRS slow on security settings, IG says

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 7

By Mary Mosquera
April 06, 2009

The Internal Revenue Service has been slow to implement the required
security settings on its 98,000 desktop and laptop computers, the
Treasury Inspector General for Tax...

[Dataloss] contest: Find The Oldest Known Data Loss Incident!

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 7

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon <jericho (at)>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Shettler <dave (at)>
Subject: [Dataloss] contest: Find The Oldest Known Data Loss Incident!

Announcing our first ever contest, generously...

Security Threat Analysis: Interview With Dino A. Dai Zovi

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 7,2260.html

By Alan Dang
Tom's Hardware US
April 6, 2009


In our continuing series on personal computing security, today we’re
talking with Dino A. Dai Zovi. Three years ago, the organizers of
CanSecWest started a contest...

USENIX LEET 09 Registration Open

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 7

Forwarded from: Lionel Garth Jones <lgj (at)>

join us at the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent
Threats: Botnets, Spyware, Worms, and More, which will take place in
Boston, MA, on April 21, 2009. LEET '09 will focus on the underlying
mechanisms used to...

Incident Response: How BB&T Handles Client Notification After a Breach

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 7

By Tom Field
Editorial Director
Bank Infosecurity
April 6, 2009

What happens after a major security breach? How do banking institutions
go about notifying their customers - whose responsibility is it?

At BB&T in Winston-Salem,...

FCO warns over bogus credit crunch relief phishing email

Fraudsters adapt methods to hard-up times

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has warned Brits and others to ignore a phishing scam currently circulating around the internet.…

MS pushes back Forefront security offensive

Sterling recast and postponed until 2010

Microsoft will delay the release of the next version of its Forefront security product range.…

Realtors charged with Glengarry Glen Ross-style rival hack

Closers face cracking charges for webmail peek

Three real estate agents in North Carolina face charges over allegations they hacked into the webmail account of a rival.…

Multiple security scanner bugs give users a headache

Kaspersky pop-up glitch, Symantec mouse madness

Once an occasional inconvenience, serious security bugs and vulnerabilities in anti-virus and security suite products are growing into hardy perennials.…

Obama's DoJ defends Bush-era wiretaps

Telecom spy program a 'state secret'

The US Justice Department under President Obama is invoking Bush Administration tactics to dismiss a lawsuit alleging federal agents engaged in illegal phone and email surveillance of ordinary US citizens.…

Research spies holes in Fortune 1000 wireless nets

Frequency hopping. It's not a security protocol

Overlooked design weaknesses in a widely used type of wireless network are seriously jeopardizing the network security of the retailers and manufacturers that rely on them, a security expert has determined.…

Old worm learns new Conficker tricks

Collaborators or copycats?

Proving imitation in the sincerest form of flattery, even in the world of malware creation, VXers have adapted a four-year old worm to exploit the vulnerability used by the Conficker superworm.…

UK transport minister's website pwned

Wrong kind of hats on the line

The website of junior transport minister Paul Clarke was hacked over the weekend by apparently motiveless mischief-makers.…

Pink Floyd frontman backs McKinnon musical protest

Shine on you crazy diamond

A small group of protesters held a successful musical protest against attempts to extradite UFO enthusiast turned hacker Gary McKinnon to the US on Thursday.…

MS teams with Facebook to eradicate Koobface worm

Redmond clean-up crew

Microsoft has teamed up with Facebook to purge the persistent Koobface worm from the popular social-networking site.…

Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies

By Robert A. on IndustryNews

"Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials. The spies came from China, Russia and other countries, these officials said, and were believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S....

Happy Easter: Egg-Hunting With New PowerPoint Zero-Day Exploit

By Dennis Elser on Zero-Day

As a follow-up to my colleagues’ blog post about the newest Office exploits, here is an analysis of one of the Microsoft PowerPoint Zero-Day exploits that once again are used in targeted attacks to infect victims with a trojan horse. The malicious presentation files abuse a new, yet unpatched hole in Microsoft PowerPoint and causes [...]

New model supports secure software coding

By Neil Roiter

In this podcast, secure coding experts Brian Chess and Sammy Migues say their new model is the first software security blueprint based on real world data and observed activities.

Biometrics project studies ways to combat bank fraud

By Marcia Savage

Industry consortium launches effort to see how biometrics could improve customer authentication and battle identity theft. Analyst says iris scanning at ATMs holds potential.

Imperva assigns security risk levels to databases

By Erin Kelly

The latest version of Imperva's SecureSphere software assigns a risk score to databases based on data sensitivity, misconfiguration issues and database vulnerabilities.

Security's Role in Handling Layoffs

The economic crisis has Michael Hamilton worried about worst-case scenarios. One of those isn't losing his job. But as CISO for the City of Seattle, he has to worry about everybody who does lose their jobs.

Chinese information warfare capabilities

As world economic conditions continue to worsen, I expect to see growing use of industrial espionage techniques by current actors and by new ones. Threats against proprietary information and perhaps even risks from sabotage may well increase over the next months and perhaps years. Despite the reflex tendency for retrenchment as revenues fall, now is not the time to be reducing the information security workforce.

Internet-wide problem to be revealed at conference

Organizers of next week's Black Hat Europe conference are promising a security presentation that could impact anyone who uses the Internet, but no details have been released yet.

The consequences of inadequate cloud security

The phenomenon of services in the cloud is well established. Some say it will become the dominant model for network infrastructure as issues of reliability and security are convincingly addressed.

The Sound of Y2k

Can you hear it? Amid the deafening silence that was the the Conficker nonevent of April Fools' Day, you should be able to detect an echo from the past. It started as a quiet murmur, but over time, it will build to a crescendo that could make Conficker the most dangerous malware IT has ever seen.

Yet another government attempt at cybersecurity

The timing of two cybersecurity bills just introduced by Sen. John D. Rockefeller, IV (D.-W.Va.), Sen. Olympia Snowe (R.-- Maine) and Sen. Bill Nelson (D.-Fla.) seems a bit funny. It is not so much that they were introduced on April Fools’ Day; more importantly, they were introduced before the widespread review of U.S. cybersecurity ordered by President Obama is completed by Melissa Hathaway.

All Together Now: Unified Threat Management

To protect networks and information against increasingly sophisticated threats, many organizations are deploying security in layers. Some are finding that an efficient way to do this is by using unified threat management (UTM) appliances.

IT Was Ready for A Conficker Attack

An expected April 1 activation of the Conficker.c worm passed without incident, calming widespread fears that the Internet was in danger of attack.

Zetta offers cloud storage for the enterprise

Start-up Zetta Inc. Monday unveiled an enterprise-class, software-as-a-service storage business with an architecture built on proprietary systems and offering an all-inclusive service starting at 25 cents per gigabyte of storage. The service is targeted at businesses with 200 to 2,000 employees.

PCI Standard Criticized at House Hearing

At a congressional hearing last week, federal lawmakers and retail industry officials contended that the PCI security rules have done little to stop payment card data thefts and fraud.

Kaiser Fires 15 for Peeking At Octuplet Mom's Records

In the latest example of employee data-snooping, a Kaiser Permanente hospital located in a Los Angeles suburb has fired 15 workers and reprimanded eight others for improperly accessing the medical records of Nadya Suleman, the California woman who gave birth to octuplets in January.

Bill Seeks to Give Feds New Security Powers

Two U.S. senators last week proposed legislation that would give federal officials new powers to create and enforce data security standards for key parts of the private sector -- and even shut down systems in some cases.

Cisco Integrated Devices

Posted by on Apr 7

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) We are considering one of Cisco's 18xx integrated router/firwall/IDS devices for remote offices. My pirmary concern is with having all the security features performed in the router.

Anyone have any known vulnerabilities or issues with the...

Re: Laura Chapells Wireshark University Courses on DVD

Posted by on Apr 6

Laura's course material is excellent no matter the media type. Also check
out Laura's new training offerings at her new training site for new online courseware at great pricing.

Terry Cutler <>
Sent by:...

OSSTMM 3 Sample released

Posted by Pete Herzog on Apr 06


To show the progress of the OSSTMM 3 we have released a 20 page sample
  with the ToC included. You'll see the graphics have not been put in
nor the new cover attached and there's still some chapters missing and
2 needing editing but this sample should give you a good idea of...

RE: Laura Chapells Wireshark University Courses on DVD

Posted by Ravi on Apr 6

Yes sure, we can always do that.

But it would have been better if they would have included it here.



-----Original Message-----
From: John Babio []
Sent: 06 April 2009 17:01
To: Ravi; macubergeek;
Subject: RE:...

Re: Risk of Redirecting Email.

Posted by Barry Archer on Apr 6

I'd probably go further and suggest that any company that has email
compliance requirements should have a policy that forbids automatic
forwarding of any email to an external address. A written exception
can be used to track those cases where it's necessary. And then set
up to check and...

RE: Laura Chapells Wireshark University Courses on DVD

Posted by John Babio on Apr 6

I suppose you could take that troubleshooting knowledge from the other
videos and apply it to troubleshooting NBT, Kerberos, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ravi
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009...

Re: Laura Chapells Wireshark University Courses on DVD

Posted by aditya mukadam on Apr 6


Laura Chapell not only has phenomenal understand of packets but has
also made it easy for others to understand it. I would say its a must
for every person who is linked some or the other way with TCP/IP.

Aditya Govind Mukadam
CISSP,CEH, JNSA-Advanced Security, JNCIA-SSL,...

Re: Federally Mandated Certification of cybersecurity professionals?

Posted by Thomas Lim on Apr 06

dear all

in singapore, the government has already created an Association of
Information Security Professionals (AISP) and stated that one of its
ultimate aim is to create an IT security standard and certification and
would require all who wants to practice IT security in singapore to

Re: Conficker (and friends) v.s. Penetration Testing

Posted by Adriel T. Desautels on Apr 5

        I'm familiar with the materials that you lined below, never the less
much appreciated and agreed. Nothing in our industry is absolute,
everything can be defeated. Was that an absolute statement? The way
that I see it is that it is...

[tool] sqlsus 0.3 released !

Posted by sativouf on Apr 5

Hi everyone,

A new version of sqlsus has been released and is available at
You will find on the website a description of the features, along with
some documentation and flash demos showing how the tool can be used.

sqlsus is a MySQL injection and takeover tool, written...

Re: Conficker (and friends) v.s. Penetration Testing

Posted by Bruno Cesar Moreira de Souza on Apr 4


I liked your post and would like to comment this part:

> Continuing with the pdf customer... One of the
> recommendations that we made to our customer was that they
> install a proxy to control outbound http...

Re: Conficker (and friends) v.s. Penetration Testing

Posted by on Apr 4

i totally agree most "system admins" only depend on the ready made
tools such as the anti-virus and firewall they have a very limited if
any knowledge on how these tools work. i myself asked the headmaster
at our school to pentest the school network and it went flowless. i'm

Can a Virus Spread Past the Hard Drive?

Can viruses remain in other hardware components to reinfect replacement parts, like a new hard drive? Find out in this tip.

Senators introduce bill to federalize cybersecurity

By (Julian Sanchez) on government IT

With President Obama's 60-day comprehensive review of US cybersecurity still underway, Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) on Wednesday introduced sweeping legislation that would establish a cybersecurity "czar" within the White House and bring both governmental and private sector "critical infrastructure" under a unified regulatory regime.

Copps: FCC needs fifth net neutrality principle

By (Matthew Lasar) on net neutrality

Interim Federal Communications Commission chair Michael Copps has just called for a fifth Internet non-discrimination principle that would be added to the existing four. He told a Friday morning breakfast audience at the National Cable and Telecommunications Association's Cable Show in Washington, DC that the time has (almost) come to beef up the FCC's Internet Policy Statement (PDF).

After his commentary, Copps told press that the agency should wait to act on this matter until its next permanent chair arrives—he most likely being White House nominee Julius Genachowski.

FBI Claims ISP Stole Millions From AT&T, Verizon

Two companies were named following an early morning Dallas raid last Thursday

Quickly Create an Image Contact Sheet in Leopard

Leopard's Quick Look is--in my opinion--one of OS X 10.5's more useful features. I use it extensively to peek into files I...

Windows 7 Upgrade Options Limited for Some

Microsoft will restrict Windows 7 "upgrade rights" for Vista and XP users to 25 machines at any single street address, meaning...

Websense Unveils Its First Web Security Appliance

Websense is readying its first hardware appliance, which will run the vendor's Secure Web Gateway Software.

Report: XP Downgraders to Receive Free Windows 7 Upgrades

Free or discounted upgrades will also apply to PCs with factory-installed XP, says

Bill Seeks to Give Feds New Security Powers

Two U.S. senators last week proposed legislation that would give federal officials new powers to create and enforce data security standards.

How to Address Defamatory Online Content

What can you do when you find content about yourself online that you think is defamation?

Is Collaboration Destroying Value at Your Company?

Collaboration is good, and more collaboration is better, right? Wrong.

Can the Internet Make You a Criminal?

The Internet is a bad, baaaad thing. It turns otherwise normal people into criminals.

Internet-wide Problem to Be Revealed at Conference

European version of the well-known conference promises another security surpise

Who In the World Wants an Android Netbook?

Gee, I can buy a Windows netbook or a Linux netbook. The price is the same. Which will I choose? Windows, of course. What do you think I am, stupid?

AP Takes Aim at Web Sites Over Unlicensed News Content

AP plans legal action as its chairman says he's "mad as hell" about the theft of news content

IT Pros: Private Clouds a Good First Step to Cloud Computing

Until adequate standards are in place, testing in house may be a better option than deploying applications publicly

Buying Advice: Network-attached Storage

A network-attached storage (NAS) drive is a dedicated storage device that uses its own operating system and software to...

Are You Infected? A Smart and Simple Test.

A quick visual scan can tell you whether you're infected with the Conficker worm or similar malware.

Mobile Backup Services Help Users Save, Sort Data

As mobile phones users store more on their devices, they increasingly need ways to back up the data

Dirty Tech Jobs: The Muck Stops Here

From crisis counselor to malware wrangler and dealing with the digital dead, here's the lowdown on the seven dirtiest gigs in the industry.

Fear of viruses could be causing PC attacks: report (Reuters) (Yahoo Security)

Gov't agency: We are not the source of data leakage (NetworkWorld Security)

FBI Defends Disruptive Raids on Texas Data Centers

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 8

By Kim Zetter
Threat Level
April 07, 2009

The FBI on Tuesday defended its raids on at least two data centers in
Texas, in which agents carted out equipment and disrupted service to
hundreds of businesses.

The raids...

Whats the point of security certs?

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 8

By John S. Monroe
FCW Insider
April 06, 2009

We have heard from a number of readers who see little value in requiring
cybersecurity workers to have security-related industry certifications.

They were responding...

Researchers To Unleash Backbone-Hacking Tools At Black Hat Europe

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 8

By Kelly Jackson Higgins
April 07, 2009

A pair of German researchers at next week's Black Hat Europe will
release tools that hack backbone technologies used by service providers

Pentagon spends over 100 million on cyberattack cleanup

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 8

By Elinor Mills
CNet News
April 7, 2009

The Pentagon spent more than $100 million in the past six months
cleaning up after Internet attacks and network issues, military leaders
said on Tuesday.

"The important thing is that...

Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies

Posted by InfoSec News on Apr 8

By Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal
April 8, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and
left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system,
according to current and...

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