Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for April 2009
Revision Note: Advance Notification published.Summary: This advance notification lists security bulletins to be released for April 2009.
We’ve seen some activity in the Conficker space in the past two days and this has caused some questions from customers. Specifically, there have been reports of two possible new variants of Conficker. Our colleagues over at the Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC) have done a thorough analysis of both of these and have determined that there’s really only one new variant, which they’re calling Conficker.E. Most importantly, the signatures that protect against Conficker.A are also effective at protecting against Conficker.E. The other possible new variant is only a slightly modified version of Conficker.D and our Conficker.D signatures protect against it. Also, our virus encylopedia entry for Conficker.D has been updated to include information about this slightly modified version.
There’s more detailed information on Conficker.E on the MMPC blog and in the encyclopedia entry. But at a high level, this has similar propagation methods to Conficker.B (attempting to exploit MS08-067, attacking weak passwords on administrative shares and spreading via removable media like
drives). However, it also has instructions so that it will also delete itself on
The important thing is that our guidance for protecting yourself remains the same. If your systems and security software are fully updated, you don’t need to be concerned about Conficker.
As always, we’re continuing our work with the Conficker Working Group and will update you as we have new, important information.
April 2009 Advanced Notification
Hello, Bill here.
I wanted to let you know that we just posted our Advance Notification for next week’s bulletin release, scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2009 around 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. This should help you plan for your deployment process for next week and address these vulnerabilities to protect your computing environments.
As part of this month’s security bulletin release process, we will issue eightsecurity bulletins – five rated ‘Critical,’ two rated ‘Important,’ and one rated ‘Moderate.’ These bulletins address vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Excel, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft ISA Server. Depending on the bulletin, a restart may be required. The updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer.
As we do each month, the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool will be updated.
We are also planning to release high-priority, non-security updates on Windows Update and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) as well as high-priority, non-security updates on Microsoft Update and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). For additional information, please see the “Other Information” section of the Advanced Notification.
As always, we’ll be holding the April edition of the monthly security bulletin webcast on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 11 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time. We will review this month’s release and take your questions live on-air with answers from our panel of experts. As a friendly reminder, if you can’t make the live webcast, you can listen to it on-demand, as well at the same URL: Furthermore, we’ll also be posting the text of the questions and answers as well as a video synopsis on this page.
You can register for the webcast here:
It is important to remember that while the information posted below is intended to help with your planning, because it is preliminary information, it is subject to change.
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Conficker Finally Awakes & Dumps Payload
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============================================= The Secunia Weekly Advisory Summary
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New Conficker Variant
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Brief: Conficker gang updates worm via peer-to-peer
Conficker gang updates worm via peer-to-peer
New Conficker variant has ties to Storm botnet
By staff
Conficker.E drops the malicious Waledac worm giving it the ability to spread to other vulnerable machines, and ultimately send spam.
Conficker, the Internet's No. 1 threat, gets an update
Security researchers say a worm that has infected millions of computers worldwide has been reprogrammed to strengthen its defenses while also trying to attack more machines.
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The state of spam 2009, Part 1
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Researcher: Power grid hackers likely got inside by attacking PCs
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Malware Infections Lurk in US Electricity Grid, WSJ reports
The U.S. electricity grid is infected with malware from China and Russia, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
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Cable Sabotage Cripples Internet for Parts of Silicon Valley
By Kevin Poulsen
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Conficker Doomsday Worm Sells Out for $49.95
By Kevin Poulsen
Warning! Warning! The Conficker worm has revealed its deadly purpose: hawking a phony anti-virus product and sending spam.
Conficker self-updates, launches false infection alert
By (Joel Hruska) on Waledec
April 1 may not have turned into the D-day that some feared Conficker might create, but the newest version of the worm (Conficker.C) is still out in the wild with mischief on its mind. The malware's creators released a new patch on April 7; the group obviously intends to continue its active war against security researchers. Such tenacity has been a trait of Conficker since the parasite first appeared on the 'Net near the end of 2008. Each version of Conficker has delivered new "features" or tricks intended to bypass security patches; the April 7 update is no exception.
China Denies Cyberattacks on U.S. Power Grid
A government spokeswoman denies reported attacks from China and Russia ever occurred.
Fiber Cuts Slash Silicon Valley's Internet Arteries
Apparent vandalism cut off wired and wireless service to thousands and shut two IBM facilities.
Conficker Worm Reveals Its Business Model
Newly downloaded Conficker files show how worm's handlers intend to profit from compromised computers.
Conficker Causes Rise in Hoax Security Software
Criminals capitalize on user fears about the much-hyped worm.
How serious is threat to power grid? Depends who you ask.
Expert opinion differs widely over a report that the U.S. electric power-grid has been compromised by cyberspies, perhaps from Russia and China, who have installed malware so they can disrupt industrial control systems for electricity distribution in the event of a conflict.
A Lesson in Compliance from the Chemical Industry
In many ways, the role of the CSO is directly tied to business profitability. By creating and enforcing policies that protect human, physical and intellectual assets, the CSO ensures the very integrity of the organization. This link to the bottom line, though, is about to become much stronger--and quite possibly much sooner than anticipated.
After attacks, Excel update due from Microsoft
Corporate IT staffers will get a double whammy next week, as both Microsoft and Oracle are set to release critical security updates on the same day, including a likely fix for an Excel bug that has been used by cybercriminals.
What I'll be looking for in cybersecurity report
The big talk in Washington's cybersecurity world is Melissa Hathaway's magical 60-day review, which is supposed to recommend how U.S. government cybersecurity efforts should be pursued. The technical press and lobbyists are all abuzz over whether or not there will be a cybersecurity coordinator who reports to the president. In certain circles, this is even more gossiped about than what Michelle Obama is wearing, but frankly the discussion is even less useful.
Conficker cashes in, installs spam bots and scareware
The makers of Conficker, the worm that has infected millions of PCs, have begun to do what all botnet owners do -- make money -- security researchers said Thursday as they started analyzing the malware's newest variant.
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