6:29 AM (2 hours ago)
CVE-2007-3798 Tcpdump Vulnerability and ESX (1008169)
from VMware RSS Feed by (VMTN)
CVE-2007-3798 Tcpdump Vulnerability and ESX (1008169)
Security scans might show that an ESX host contains a version of tcpdump that is vulnerable to the bug in CVE-2007-3798. This flaw does not affect ESX 3.x because its RPM packages are based on...
Feb 4, 2009 (21 hours ago)
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers
from Cisco Security Advisories
Security News
6:40 AM (2 hours ago)
Fake parking tickets lead unwary to malware
from The Register - Security
Fluttery paper route to online scam
Hackers are using fake parking violation warnings to trick motorists into visiting malware-infested websites.…
1:40 AM (7 hours ago)
Pinch Trojan lives on after authors' arrests
from The Register - Security
S'kiddies squeeze suckers
Variants of the Pinch Trojan are infecting users more than a year after the arrest of its original authors.…
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
Researchers: IT security jobs largely untouched by economy
from Network World on Security
Information security jobs may not be the most glamorous ones in the technology industry. But at least they appear to be a lot more secure than many other IT positions are during the ongoing economic recession .
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
Cisco warns of four WLAN controller vulnerabilities
from Network World on Security by John Cox
Cisco WLAN security alert warns of four vulnerabilities affecting all of Cisco’s wireless LAN controllers, including the Catalyst 6500 and 7600 wireless modules, with software version 4.2 or higher.
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
Jailed SF network admin files $3M claim
from Network World on Security by Robert McMillan
The network administrator who was jailed for allegedly holding San Francisco's city government network hostage has filed a US$3 million claim against the city.
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
Sunbelt pioneers new antivirus technology
from Network World on Security
U.S. company Sunbelt Software is set to become one of the first antivirus vendors to embrace a promising but as yet little-used new technique for malware detection known as 'file emulation'.
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
SMB Security: 5 Bright Ideas
from Network World on Security
Adam Hansen is that rare bird in the small to midsize business (SMB) realm: He is a CSO. Hansen heads up security for Sonnenschein, Nath and Rosenthal, an 800-attorney law firm in
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
A New Internet Attack: Parking Tickets
from Network World on Security
Trojan-pushing parking tickets? Yes, really. The Internet Storm Center, which tracks Internet attacks and threats, documented a case in Grand Forks, North Dakota where someone put yellow fliers on cars that claimed to ticket a parking violation. The fliers named a Web site that purportedly had pictures of your supposed violation.
5:09 AM (3 hours ago)
GAO finds more security problems in the Treasury Department
from Network World on Security by Tim Greene
Data used to fight money-laundering and funding for terrorists is at risk because of significant security weaknesses within the networks used by a crime-fighting arm of the U.S. Treasury Department, according to a government study.
That 'angry guest' email from It's a scam, not a 1-star review
Phishers check in, your credentials check out, Microsoft warns
An ongoing phishing campaign disguised as a email casts
keystroke and credentia...
1 hour ago
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