8:52 PM (1 hour ago)
CVE 2003-0786, CVE 2008-0891 and CVE 2008-1672 OpenSSL Vulnerability and ESX (1008521)
from VMware RSS Feed by (VMTN)
CVE 2003-0786, CVE 2008-0891 and CVE 2008-1672 OpenSSL Vulnerability and ESX (1008521)
Security scans might show that an ESX host contains a version of OpenSSL that is vulnerable to the issues described by CVE 2003-0786, CVE 2008-0891 and CVE...
4:11 PM (5 hours ago)
TA09-041A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities
from US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alerts
Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities
3:55 PM (6 hours ago)
MS09-005 - Important: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Visio Could Allow Remote Code Execution (957634)
from Microsoft Security Bulletins
Bulletin Severity Rating:Important - This security update resolves three privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Visio that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Visio file. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.
3:55 PM (6 hours ago)
MS09-004 - Important: Vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution (959420)
from Microsoft Security Bulletins
Bulletin Severity Rating:Important - This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if untrusted users access an affected system or if a SQL injection attack occurs to an affected system. Systems with SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4, SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3, and SQL Server 2008 are not affected by this issue.
3:55 PM (6 hours ago)
MS09-003 - Critical: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Could Allow Remote Code Execution (959239)
from Microsoft Security Bulletins
Bulletin Severity Rating:Critical - This security update resolves two privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server. The first vulnerability could allow remote code execution if a specially crafted TNEF message is sent to a Microsoft Exchange Server. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of the affected system with Exchange Server service account privileges. The second vulnerability could allow denial of service if a specially crafted MAPI command is sent to a Microsoft Exchange Server. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service and other services that use the EMSMDB32 provider to stop responding.
3:55 PM (6 hours ago)
MS09-002 - Critical: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (961260)
from Microsoft Security Bulletins
Bulletin Severity Rating:Critical - This security update resolves two privately reported vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user views a specially crafted Web page using Internet Explorer. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.
3:41 PM (6 hours ago)
More tricks from Conficker and VM detection, (Tue, Feb 10th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
Following my yesterdays diary (http://isc.sans ...(more)...
2:29 PM (7 hours ago)
February Black Tuesday Overview, (Tue, Feb 10th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
Overview of the February 2009 Microsoft patches and their status. # ...(more)...
1:41 PM (8 hours ago)
Java up to date ?, (Tue, Feb 10th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
Roseman wrote in with a link to ...(more)...
Security News
3:42 PM (6 hours ago)
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for February 2009
from Microsoft Security Content: Comprehensive Edition
Revision Note: Bulletin Summary published.Summary: This bulletin summary lists security bulletins released for February 2009.
8:44 PM (1 hour ago)
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-002
from CGISecurity - Website and Application Security News by Robert A.
"Microsoft published four patches on Tuesday to close serious vulnerabilities in its Internet Explorer browser, Exchange e-mail server and Microsoft SQL server. The fixes, which were released on Microsoft's regular monthly schedule, close two Critical vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 7 running on Windows XP that could allow a malicious Web site...
1:35 PM (8 hours ago)
Trojan Bundles Legit Social-Network Toolbar with Backdoor
from McAfee Avert Labs by Dennis Elser
Here’s another twist in regionally targeted attacks: A new Trojan (pretending to be a toolbar installer) is spreading that bundles the legitimate toolbar for the German social network “StudiVZ” with a variant of Backdoor-CEP. Among other malicious activities, the backdoor is capable of recording a user’s screen, taking screenshots, and logging keyboard strokes. At first glance, the deliberately modified installer looks perfectly harmless, especially because it refuses to do anything malicious if it detects certain security products or if it thinks it’s being observed through a sandbox or a debugger.
8:33 PM (1 hour ago)
Microsoft takes scissors to Srizbi
from The Register - Security
Botnet's last stand
Microsoft security teams have struck what they hope is a fatal blow at Srizbi, the once-powerful spam botnet that has been fighting for its life since last year's demise of two US-based network providers that offered vital lifelines.…
5:33 PM (4 hours ago)
Fraudsters cream opposition in cybercrime wars
from The Register - Security
Unsafe Internet Day
The celebration of Safer Internet Day on Tuesday was marked by warnings that cybercriminals are staying ahead of defenders in their attempts to defraud or otherwise abuse internet users.…
3:33 PM (6 hours ago)
BitDefender distances self from gaping breach
from The Register - Security
Can you trust the gatekeeper?
Comment This piece was updated to reflect information released by BitDefendor after publication.…
5:11 PM (4 hours ago)
Brief: Microsoft plugs eight security holes
from SecurityFocus News
Microsoft plugs eight security holes
5:11 PM (4 hours ago)
Brief: Reports: Obama to tap intel official for cyber post
from SecurityFocus News
Reports: Obama to tap intel official for cyber post
5:11 PM (4 hours ago)
Brief: Kaspersky: No personal info accessed by breach
from SecurityFocus News
Kaspersky: No personal info accessed by breach
5:11 PM (4 hours ago)
News: Kaspersky exposes sensitive database, says hacker
from SecurityFocus News
Kaspersky exposes sensitive database, says hacker
4:02 AM (2 hours ago)
Webtunnel 0.0.2 - HTTP Encapsulation and Tunnel Tool
from Darknet - The Darkside by Darknet
Webtunnel is a network utility that encapsulates arbitrary data in HTTP and transmits it through a web server. In that regard, it is similar to httptunnel, however, it has several key important differences: its server component runs in the context of a web server as a CGI application (with optional FastCGI support) so it does [...]
Feb 10, 2009 (20 hours ago)
Open letter to Obama: Uncle Sam should go open source
from Ars Technica - Front page content by (Ryan Paul)
A group of software vendors has published an open letter to president Obama encouraging the new administration to adopt open source software in the government's IT infrastructure. The letter says that open source software can reduce costs when implementing government technology initiatives in areas like healthcare and security.
Open source software is already broadly used by many different branches of the government. The Department of Defense, which has been exploring the benefits of open source software for years, has used Linux and open source technology in a wide range of key projects, including the Army Future Combat Systems program and the Land Warrior program. The DoD also recently launched a Web site on which it hosts its open source projects.
Feb 10, 2009 (15 hours ago)
Obama taps Bush official to head cybersecurity review
from Ars Technica - Front page content by (Julian Sanchez)
The White House announced Monday that Barack Obama has instructed his national security advisors to begin a comprehensive 60-day review of federal cybersecurity initiatives as a prelude to developing an integrated strategy that will coordinate security efforts across government agencies, and between the public and private sectors. The effort will be led by Melissa Hathaway, previously a senior advisor to the Bush administration's Director of National Intelligence, Michael McConnell. Upon completion of the review, Hathaway is reportedly in line for the new post of cybersecurity "czar" in the Obama White House.
1:44 AM (5 hours ago)
Microsoft Update Takes on Spam-spewing Botnet
from PC World Latest Technology News
Microsoft has added detection for the Srizbi botnet to its Malicious Software Removal Tool.
Feb 10, 2009 (13 hours ago)
Must-Have Security Fixes for IE7, Microsoft Servers
from PC World Latest Technology News
Today's Patch Tuesday from Microsoft includes important fixes for IE7 and Visio, and businesses should be sure to apply patches for Exchange and SQL servers.
Feb 10, 2009 (14 hours ago)
Microsoft Releases Monthly Security Updates
from PC World Latest Technology News
Microsoft has released four security updates including critical fixes for Internet Explorer and Exchange.
Feb 10, 2009 (14 hours ago)
Five Tips for Managing Security in a Recession
from PC World Latest Technology News
In the current economic downturn, many companies are cutting costs and security expenses frequently get cut.
Feb 10, 2009 (17 hours ago)
Antivirus Firm Confirms Hackers Breached Site
from PC World Latest Technology News
Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based security company, admitted that a database containing customer information had been breached.
Feb 10, 2009 (17 hours ago)
Social Networking's Security Pitfalls
from PC World Latest Technology News
Spending a little time on Facebook and other social networking sites is a ritual for many of us every morning. And afternoon. And evening.
Feb 10, 2009 (19 hours ago)
Online Safety Tips for Facebook Fogeys
from PC Magazine Tips and Solutions
Grownups, take note! Here is what you need to know before "friending" your first Facebook connection.
That 'angry guest' email from It's a scam, not a 1-star review
Phishers check in, your credentials check out, Microsoft warns
An ongoing phishing campaign disguised as a email casts
keystroke and credentia...
1 hour ago
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