10:32 PM (9 hours ago)
A Rough Day in West Palm Beach, (Sat, Feb 7th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
Not a good day for some in Florida, specifically West Palm Beach, to find out something like this: ...(more)...
Feb 6, 2009 (22 hours ago)
Time to patch your HP printers, (Fri, Feb 6th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
HP have released a security bulletin for certain LaserJet printers. They require firmware updates ...(more)...
Feb 6, 2009 (20 hours ago)
Other patches and updates du jour..., (Fri, Feb 6th)
from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green
AREVA e-terrahabitat SCADA systems vulnerabilities, US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#337569 HP OpenVi ...(more)...
Security News
Feb 6, 2009 (17 hours ago)
Cybercrime, Online Threats, and the Recession
from McAfee Avert Labs by Jeff Green
As the recession continues and unemployment rises, we foresee the top cybercrime trend for 2009 as the continued exploitation of the financial crisis to scam people with fake financial transactions services, bogus investment firms, and fraudulent legal services.
Feb 6, 2009 (18 hours ago)
Fake Licenses on the Rise
from McAfee Avert Labs by Francois Paget
Since at least the year 2000, email scams have circulated around the net for the selling of International Driver Licenses. The authors explained that with their documents buyers could avoid having to pay traffic tickets as well as allowing them to establish new identities for hotel check-ins or bar entrance (if the buyers are underage). Lately these offers have put on weight.
Feb 6, 2009 (15 hours ago) settles charges claiming its security was crap
from The Register - Security
A decade in the stockade, a large online seller of computer hardware and software, has agreed to allow federal regulators to monitor its website security for 10 years to settle charges it violated federal laws requiring it to adequately safeguard sensitive customer data.…
Feb 6, 2009 (21 hours ago)
Cisco Enterprise Wireless (Wi-Fi) Equipment DoS Vulnerability Discovered
from Darknet - The Darkside by Darknet
If your organisation is using any kind of Cisco Wi-Fi kit it may be time to get the latest patches for your kit. Although they state there is no proof that hackers have used this attack in the wild - in my experience if Cisco have discovered this now, someone else probably knew about it [...]
Feb 6, 2009 (12 hours ago)
Brief: Data-breach lawsuit follows $9 million heist
from SecurityFocus News
Data-breach lawsuit follows $9 million heist
Feb 6, 2009 (12 hours ago)
Brief: Alleged attacker flaunts details of phpBB hack
from SecurityFocus News
Alleged attacker flaunts details of phpBB hack
Feb 6, 2009 (14 hours ago)
Melih Abdulhayoglu: Don't Blame the Browser
from SecurityFocus News
Don't Blame the Browser
9:40 PM (10 hours ago)
Free Defense Against the Conficker Worm
from PC World Latest Technology News
OpenDNS will expand its free service to pre-emptively block the Conficker worm from phoning home starting Monday.
Feb 6, 2009 (16 hours ago)
Critical Flaw in RealPlayer, Firefox Fixes
from PC World Latest Technology News
Hacked movie files can target a new, unpatched security risk in RealPlayer. Also, be sure you've updated Firefox for critical security fixes.
Feb 6, 2009 (21 hours ago) Operator Settles Data Breach Complaint
from PC World Latest Technology News settles data breach complaint by the U.S. FTC.
That 'angry guest' email from It's a scam, not a 1-star review
Phishers check in, your credentials check out, Microsoft warns
An ongoing phishing campaign disguised as a email casts
keystroke and credentia...
1 hour ago
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