2:49 AM (3 hours ago)
Critical VMware Security Alert for Windows-Hosted VMware Workstation (1008502)
from VMware RSS Feed by (VMTN)
Critical VMware Security Alert for Windows-Hosted VMware Workstation (1008502)
Summary There is a vulnerability in a certain ActiveX control in VMware Workstation. Problem Description The following description is from the Common Vulnerabilities and...
Security News
1:48 PM (7 hours ago)
Perimeter Defense-in-Depth with Cisco ASA
from SANS Information Security Reading Room
Category: Firewalls & Perimeter Protection
Paper Added: February 9, 2009
2:44 PM (6 hours ago)
Application Security Vendors Need Help With Reporting
from CGISecurity - Website and Application Security News by Robert A.
I've been reading web application vulnerability reports from tools and services for 6-7 years and found that 99% of these reports are geared towards security engineers or system administrators. Many of the reports I see focus on The type of flaw and what it its impact is The URL affected Links...
11:13 AM (9 hours ago)
New Valentine Scam on the Loose
from McAfee Avert Labs by Micha Pekrul
Following our last week’s warning of the possible scams related to the approaching Valentine’s Day, to no surprise, today we’ve seen another new Valentine theme come up - hosted on the fast-fluxing Waledac botnet. If a user were to follow the link in these spam emails - please don’t do that! -, a web site like the following appears:
A picture with two adorable Shitzu puppies is wishing a Happy Valentine’s Day. The text of the lure is advertizing a “Valentine Devkit” named ‘loveexe.exe’ or ’start.exe’. And regular readers can guess it already: this is a social-engineering trick to convince users to download the real threat. Don’t click the link to the executable, otherwise you will end up with malware.
A close look into the website’s source code currently doesn’t reveal any additional drive-by-infections nor -downloads (but that can change quickly), as seen in past Waledac (or “Storm”) themes. Coverage of this particular malware variant is in the 5522 DATs, plus blocked by Artemis, plus blocked at the (former Secure) Web Gateway as well.
5:10 PM (3 hours ago)
Brief: Reports: Obama to tap intel official for cyber post
from SecurityFocus News
Reports: Obama to tap intel official for cyber post
3:05 PM (5 hours ago)
Brief: Kaspersky: No personal info accessed by breach
from SecurityFocus News
Kaspersky: No personal info accessed by breach
11:04 AM (10 hours ago)
News: Kaspersky exposes sensitive database, says hacker
from SecurityFocus News
Kaspersky exposes sensitive database, says hacker
6:57 PM (2 hours ago)
Conficker Worm Sinks French Navy Network
from PC World Latest Technology News
The French Navy says it was infected by the Conficker worm, according to reports.
6:57 PM (2 hours ago)
A Jailhouse Interview with Terry Childs
from PC World Latest Technology News
Spending a half hour with San Francisco's most famous network administrator.
3:57 PM (5 hours ago)
Kaspersky Says Web Hack 'should Not Have Happened'
from PC World Latest Technology News
Kaspersky Lab says its Web site was hacked Saturday.
7:21 AM (13 hours ago)
Kaspersky, OpenDNS Collaborate to Slow Conficker Worm
from PC World Latest Technology News
OpenDNS has added a feature to its DNS services with help from Russian security company Kaspersky Lab to fight a widespread...
1:26 AM (5 hours ago)
New-age cyber-attack inflicts major damage with modest means
from The Register - Security and the new DDoS
A sustained cyber-attack against a handful of niche pornography sites has demonstrated a novel way to inflict major damage on hardened targets using a modest amount of data, a security researcher has warned.…
10:03 PM (8 hours ago)
XSS bug crawls all over PayPal page
from The Register - Security
'Fugitif' strikes again
Online payments site PayPal has been bitten by yet another cross-site scripting (XSS) bug that could be exploited by black hats to phish user passwords or possibly steal authentication cookies.…
12:12 AM (6 hours ago)
Cracking down on Conficker: Kaspersky, OpenDNS join forces
from Ars Technica - Front page content by (Joel Hruska)
The Conficker botnet is proving to be a feisty bit of malware. It may never become a problem of Storm-sized proportions, but Conficker's authors seem determined to keep their system in play. Team White Hat, however, isn't giving up—OpenDNS and Kaspersky Lab announced on Monday, February 9 that they'd be working together to prevent Conficker from spreading once it's infected a network. There are two components to the new approach. First, Kaspersky Labs is capable of predicting what domains Conficker will attempt to contact, while OpenDNS' Botnet Protection feature prevents those domains from resolving internally. The result—at least in theory—is a cooped-up Conficker.
3:28 AM (3 hours ago)
Fight Back Against Cybersquatters
from PC World Latest Technology News
Don't Pay Ransom for Kidnapped Domain Names (and Remember Your Renewals)
9:57 PM (8 hours ago)
Virulent Worm Exploits Missing Patches
from PC World Latest Technology News
The Conficker worm shows why it's so important to keep PCs up-to-date.
9:57 PM (8 hours ago)
Public Greets Massive Data Breach With Collective Yawn
from PC World Latest Technology News
Crooks steal a huge trove of credit card data, but are we too burned out on such news to care?
That 'angry guest' email from It's a scam, not a 1-star review
Phishers check in, your credentials check out, Microsoft warns
An ongoing phishing campaign disguised as a email casts
keystroke and credentia...
1 hour ago
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